Constitution of the Republic of Cuba 2019
Electoral Bodies
  • English
    The National Electoral Council is the permanent organ of the State with the fundamental mission of organizing, directing, and supervising the elections, popular consultations, plebiscites, and referendums that are convened.
    It handles and responds to the complaints that are lodged with regard to elections and performs the other functions recognized by the Constitution and the laws.
    The National Electoral Council guarantees the veracity, transparency, efficiency, publicity, authenticity, and impartiality of the processes of democratic participation. (Art. 211)
  • Spanish
    El Consejo Electoral Nacional es el órgano del Estado que tiene como misión fundamental organizar, dirigir y supervisar las elecciones, consultas populares, plebiscitos y referendos que se convoquen.
    Tramita y responde las reclamaciones que en esta materia se establezcan, así como cumple las demás funciones reconocidas en la Constitución y las leyes.
    El Consejo Electoral Nacional garantiza la confiabilidad, transparencia, celeridad, publicidad, autenticidad e imparcialidad de los procesos de participación democrática. (Art. 211)

Constitution of the Republic of Cuba 2019 (English). There are minor discrepancies between the English and Spanish texts. According to Art. 2: "… the official language is Spanish, …”

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