Constitution of the Republic of Cuba 2019
  • English
    The National Assembly of People's Power is the supreme organ of the power of the State. It represents the entire population and expresses their sovereign will. (Art. 102)
  • Spanish
    La Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular es el órgano supremo del poder del Estado. Representa a todo el pueblo y expresa su voluntad soberana. (Art. 102)
  • English
    The National Assembly of People's Power in the only organ with legislative and constituent power within the Republic. (Art. 103)
  • Spanish
    La Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular es el único órgano con potestad constituyente y legislativa en la República. (Art. 103)
  • English
    The National Assembly of People's Power is composed of representatives elected through a free, equal, direct, and secret vote of the electors, in the proportion and according to the procedure determined by the law. (Art. 104)
  • Spanish
    La Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular está integrada por diputados elegidos por el voto libre, igual, directo y secreto de los electores, en la proporción y según el procedimiento que determina la ley. (Art. 104)
  • English
    Cuban citizens, both women and men, that are in full enjoyment of their political rights and meet the other requirements established by law have the right to be elected.
    If the election is for representatives on the National Assembly of People's Power, they must be over the age of 18. (Art. 207)
  • Spanish
    Tienen derecho a ser elegidos los ciudadanos cubanos, hombres y mujeres, que se hallen en el pleno goce de sus derechos políticos y que cumplan con los demás requisitos previstos en la ley.
    Si la elección es para diputados a la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular deben, además, ser mayores de dieciocho años de edad. (Art. 207)
  • English
    The law determines the number of representatives that will make up the National Assembly of People's Power, in proportion to the number of inhabitants within the respective districts in which, for electoral purposes, the national territory is divided into.
    The representatives on the National Assembly of People's Power and the delegates on the Municipal Assemblies of People's Power are elected through a vote of the electors that is free, equal, direct, and secret. The law regulates the procedure for their election. (Art. 209)
  • Spanish
    La ley determina la cantidad de diputados que integran la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular y de delegados que componen las asambleas municipales del Poder Popular, en proporción al número de habitantes de las respectivas demarcaciones en que, a los efectos electorales, se divide el territorio nacional.
    Los diputados a la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular y los delegados a las asambleas municipales del Poder Popular se eligen por el voto libre, igual, directo y secreto de los electores. La ley regula el procedimiento para su elección. (Art. 209)

Constitution of the Republic of Cuba 2019 (English). There are minor discrepancies between the English and Spanish texts. According to Art. 2: "… the official language is Spanish, …”

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