Constitution of the Dominican Republic 2015
  • English
    The Executive Power is exercised in the name of the people by the male or female President of the Republic, in his or her condition as head of State and of government in accordance with that provided by this Constitution and the law. (Art. 122)
  • Spanish
    El Poder Ejecutivo es ejercido en nombre del pueblo por la Presidenta o el Presidente de la República, en su condición de jefe de Estado y de gobierno de conformidad con lo dispuesto por esta Constitución y las leyes. (Art. 122)
  • English
    The male or female President of the Republic …
    2. In his condition as Chief of Government he has the ability:
    a. To appoint ministers and vice ministers
    … (Art. 128)
  • Spanish
    La o el Presidente de la República …
    2) En su condición de Jefe de Gobierno tiene la facultad de:
    a) Nombrar los ministros y viceministros
    … (Art. 128)
  • English
    For the handling of the matters of government there shall be ministries that are created by law. Each ministry shall be headed by one minister and shall have the vice ministers that are considered necessary for the handling of their affairs. (Art. 134)
  • Spanish
    Para el despacho de los asuntos de gobierno habrá los ministerios que sean creados por ley. Cada ministerio estará a cargo de un ministro y contará con los viceministros que se consideren necesarios para el despacho de sus asuntos. (Art. 134)
  • English
    In order to be a minister or vice minister, one is required to be a male or female Dominican in full exercise of civil and political rights and to have reached the age of twenty-five years. Naturalized people may only be ministers or vice ministers ten years after having acquired Dominican nationality. Ministers and vice minister may not exercise any professional or commercial activity that could create conflicts of interest. (Art. 135)
  • Spanish
    Para ser ministro o viceministro se requiere ser dominicana o dominicano en pleno ejercicio de los derechos civiles y políticos y haber cumplido la edad de veinticinco años. Las personas naturalizadas sólo pueden ser ministros o viceministros diez años después de haber adquirido la nacionalidad dominicana. Los ministros y viceministros no pueden ejercer ninguna actividad profesional o mercantil que pudiere generar conflictos de intereses. (Art. 135)

Constitution of the Dominican Republic 2015 (English). According to Art. 29: “The official language of the Dominican Republic is Spanish.”

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