Constitution of the Dominican Republic 2015
Electoral Bodies
  • English
    The elections shall be organized, directed, and supervised by a Central Electoral Board and the electoral boards below its office, which have the responsibility of guaranteeing liberty, transparency, equity, and objectivity in the elections. (Art. 211)
  • Spanish
    Las elecciones serán organizadas, dirigidas y supervisadas por la Junta Central Electoral y las juntas electorales bajo su dependencia, las cuales tienen la responsabilidad de garantizar la libertad, transparencia, equidad y objetividad de las elecciones. (Art. 211)
Electoral Bodies
  • English
    The Central Electoral Board is an autonomous organ with juridical personality and technical, administrative, budgetary and financial independence, whose principal purpose shall be to organize and direct the electoral assemblies for the celebration of elections and or mechanisms of popular participation established by the present Constitution and the laws. It shall have regulatory ability in the matters that are its responsibility.
    … (Art. 212)
  • Spanish
    La Junta Central Electoral es un órgano autónomo con personalidad jurídica e independencia técnica, administrativa, presupuestaria y financiera, cuya finalidad principal será organizar y dirigir las asambleas electorales para la celebración de elecciones y de mecanismos de participación popular establecidos por la presente Constitución y las leyes. Tiene facultad reglamentaria en los asuntos de su competencia.
    … (Art. 212)
Electoral Bodies
  • English
    The Superior Electoral Court is the appropriate organ to judge and decide with definitive character on the contentious electoral matters and to ordain over the disagreements that arise internally from the parties, groups, and political movements or between them. It shall regulate, in accordance with the law, the proceedings of its responsibility and all that is related to its administrative and financial organization and functioning. (Art. 214)
  • Spanish
    El Tribunal Superior Electoral es el órgano competente para juzgar y decidir con carácter definitivo sobre los asuntos contencioso electorales y estatuir sobre los diferendos que surjan a lo interno de los partidos, agrupaciones y movimientos políticos o entre éstos. Reglamentará, de conformidad con la ley, los procedimientos de su competencia y todo lo relativo a su organización y funcionamiento administrativo y financiero. (Art. 214)

Constitution of the Dominican Republic 2015 (English). According to Art. 29: “The official language of the Dominican Republic is Spanish.”

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