Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador 2008, as amended to 2021
Composition and Appointment
  • English
    The members of the Constitutional Court shall be designated by a qualification commission comprised of two persons appointed by each one of the following branches of government: the legislative, the executive, and transparency and social monitoring. Members shall be elected from among the candidates submitted by the above-mentioned branches of government, through a public examination process, with citizen oversight and option for challenging the process. In the membership of the Court, efforts shall be made to ensure parity between men and women.
    … (Art. 434)
  • Spanish
    Los miembros de la Corte Constitucional se designarán por una comisión calificadora que estará integrada por dos personas nombradas por cada una de las funciones, Legislativa, Ejecutiva y de Transparencia y Control Social. La selección de los miembros se realizará de entre las candidaturas presentadas por las funciones anteriores, a través de un proceso de concurso público, con veeduría y posibilidad de impugnación ciudadana. En la integración de la Corte se procurará la paridad entre hombres y mujeres.
    … (Art. 434)
Links to all sites last visited 9 February 2024

Art. 261 as reinstated after the 2018 Judgment of the Constitutional Court.

Art. 142 as reinstated after the 2018 Judgment of the Constitutional Court.
Art. 142 as reinstated after the 2018 Judgment of the Constitutional Court.
Art. 261 as reinstated after the 2018 Judgment of the Constitutional Court.