Constitution of the Republic of El Salvador 1983, as amended to 2014
  • English
    The President and the Vice President of the Republic, the Ministers and [the] Vice-Ministers of State and their dependant functionaries, compose the Executive Organ. (Art. 150)
  • Spanish
    El Presidente y el Vicepresidente de la República, los Ministros y Viceministros de Estado y sus funcionarios dependientes, integran el Órgano Ejecutivo. (Art. 150)
  • English
    To be a Minister or Vice-Minister of State it is required to be Salvadoran by birth, [to be] older than twenty-five years of age, [to be] of secular estate [de estado seglar], of notable morality and knowledge; [to] be in the exercise of the rights of citizenship, [and] to have been so for the six years prior to his appointment. (Art. 160)
  • Spanish
    Para ser Ministro o Viceministro de Estado se requiere ser salvadoreño por nacimiento, mayor de veinticinco años de edad, del estado seglar, de moralidad e instrucción notorias; estar en el ejercicio de los derechos de ciudadano y haberlo estado en los seis años anteriores a su nombramiento. (Art. 160)
  • English
    [It] corresponds to the President of the Republic to appoint, remove, accept the resignations [of] and grant [the] leaves of absence [licencias] to the Ministers and Vice-Ministers of State, as well as [to] the Head [Jefe] of Public Security and [to that] of the Intelligence [Organ] of the State. (Art. 162)
  • Spanish
    Corresponde al Presidente de la República nombrar, remover, aceptar renuncias y conceder licencias a los Ministros y Viceministros de estado, asi como al Jefe de Seguridad Publica y al de Inteligencia de Estado. (Art. 162)
  • English
    There will be a Council of Ministers composed of the President and [the] Vice President of the Republic and the Ministers of State or [of] those who take their places. (Art. 166)
  • Spanish
    Habrá un Consejo de Ministros integrado por el Presidente y el Vicepresidente de la República y los Ministros de Estado o quienes hagan sus veces. (Art. 166)

Constitution of the Republic of El Salvador 1983, as amended to 2014 (English), available in HeinOnline World Constitutions Illustrated Library (2024). According to Art. 62: “The official language of El Salvador is Castilian Spanish [castellano]. …”

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