Political Constitution of the Republic of Guatemala 1985, as amended to 1993
Participation in Public Life and Institutions
  • English
    … the elements of the security forces must appear wearing the appropriate uniform and belong to the same sex as the subjects [being] requisitioned, having to keep the respect for the dignity, privacy and decorum of the persons. (Art. 25)
  • Spanish
    … los elementos de las fuerzas de seguridad deberán presentarse debidamente uniformados y pertenecer al mismo sexo de los requisados, debiendo guardarse el respeto a la dignidad, intimidad y decoro de las personas. (Art. 25)
Participation in Public Life and Institutions
  • English
    The Guatemalans have the right to opt for public employment or office and to do so only their capabilities, fitness, and honesty will be taken into account. (Art. 113)
  • Spanish
    Los guatemaltecos tienen derecho a optar a empleos o cargos públicos y para su otorgamiento no se atenderá más que a razones fundadas en méritos de capacidad, idoneidad y honradez. (Art. 113)
Participation in Public Life and Institutions
  • English
    The following are the rights and duties of the citizens:

    d. To opt for public offices [cargos]
    … (Art. 136)
  • Spanish
    Son derechos y deberes de los ciudadanos:

    d) Optar a cargos públicos;
    … (Art. 136)
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