Political Constitution of the Republic of Guatemala 1985, as amended to 1993
Property, Inheritance and Land Tenure
  • English
    Private property is guaranteed as a right inherent to the human person. Any person can freely dispose of his [or her] property in accordance with the law.
    The State guarantees the exercise of this right and must create the conditions that enable [faciliten] the owner to use and enjoy his [or her] property, in such a way as to achieve individual progress and the national development to [the] benefit of all Guatemalans. (Art. 39)
  • Spanish
    Se garantiza la propiedad privada como un derecho inherente a la persona humana. Toda persona puede disponer libremente de sus bienes de acuerdo con la ley.
    El Estado garantiza el ejercicio de este derecho y deberá crear las condiciones que faciliten al propietario el uso y disfrute de sus bienes, de manera que se alcance el progreso individual y el desarrollo nacional en beneficio de todos los guatemaltecos. (Art. 39)
Property, Inheritance and Land Tenure
  • English
    The lands of the cooperatives, [the] indigenous communities or any other forms of communal or collective possession of agrarian ownership, as well as the family patrimony and the people's housing, will enjoy special protection of the State, [and] of preferential credit and technical assistance, which may guarantee their possession and development, in order to assure an improved quality of life to all of the inhabitants.
    The indigenous communities and others that hold lands that historically belong to them and which they have traditionally administered in special form, will maintain that system. (Art. 67)
  • Spanish
    Las tierras de las cooperativas, comunidades indígenas o cualesquiera otras formas de tenencia comunal o colectiva de propiedad agraria, así como el patrimonio familiar y vivienda popular, gozarán de protección especial del Estado, de asistencia crediticia y de técnica preferencial, que garanticen su posesión y desarrollo, a fin de asegurar a todos los habitantes una mejor calidad de vida.
    Las comunidades indígenas y otras que tengan tierras que históricamente les pertenecen y que tradicionalmente han administrado en forma especial, mantendrán ese sistema. (Art. 67)
Property, Inheritance and Land Tenure
  • English
    Through special programs and adequate legislation, the State will provide state lands to the indigenous communities who may need them for their development. (Art. 68)
  • Spanish
    Mediante programas especiales y legislación adecuada, el Estado proveerá de tierras estatales a las comunidades indígenas que las necesiten para su desarrollo. (Art. 68)
Property, Inheritance and Land Tenure
  • English
    The following are the fundamental obligations of the State:

    j. To actively promote programs of rural development which tend to increase and diversify the national production based on the principle of private property and of the protection of family patrimony.
    … (Art. 119)
  • Spanish
    Son obligaciones fundamentales del Estado:

    j) Impulsar activamente programas de desarrollo rural que tiendan a incrementar y diversificar la producción nacional con base en el principio de la propiedad privada y de la protección al patrimonio familiar.
    … (Art. 119)
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