Constitution of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana 1980, as amended to 2016
Political Parties
  • English
    The right to form political parties and their freedom of action are guaranteed. Political parties must respect the principles of national sovereignty and of democracy. (Art. 10)
Political Parties
  • English

    (3) Subject to the provisions of this Constitution, Parliament may make provision -

    (b) …
    (iii) for the minimum number or proportion of female candidates on a party’s list and in all party’s lists taken together;
    (iv) for the minimum number or proportion of female candidates on a party’s lists for geographical constituencies taken individually or together;
    (v) for the maximum percentage or the number of geographical constituencies a party can contest in which its lists contain no female candidate.
    … (Art. 160)
Political Parties
  • English
    (1) All persons, institutions and political parties are prohibited from taking any action or advancing, disseminating or communicating any idea which may result in racial or ethnic division among the people.
    (2) For the purposes of paragraph (1), Parliament shall by law make provision for offences and penalties, including penalties preventing or disbarring any person or political party from contesting any election for membership or being a member, as the case may be, of the local democratic organs or of the National Assembly. (Art. 160A)
Links to all sites last visited 12 February 2024
Chapter IV on Citizenship.
Chapter II on Principles and Bases of the Political, Economic and Social System.
Chapter II on Principles and Bases of the Political, Economic and Social System.
Part of Title 1 on Protection of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms of the Individual.
Title 1 on Protection of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms of the Individual, Part 2 on Specific Rules.
Refer to Art. 213 on Protection of Pension Rights and Art. 214 on Power of Commissions in relation to pensions, etc.