Political Constitution of the United Mexican States 1917, as amended to 2023
Participation in Public Life and Institutions
  • English
    IX. … The Technical Council of Education shall advise the Directive Board in the terms that the law determines, it will be composed of seven persons who will remain five years in the office in a phased form. They will be appointed by the Chamber of Senators, with the vote of the two thirds part of its members. In its composition, the diversity and representation of the education types and modalities, as well as parity of gender, will be assured [procurará].
    ... (Art. 3)
  • Spanish

    IX. ... El Consejo Técnico de Educación asesorará a la Junta Directiva en los términos que determine la ley, estará integrado por siete personas que durarán en el encargo cinco años en forma escalonada. Serán nombradas por la Cámara de Senadores, con el voto de las dos terceras partes de sus integrantes. En su composición se procurará la diversidad y representación de los tipos y modalidades educativos, así como la paridad de género.
    ... (Art. 3)
Participation in Public Life and Institutions
  • English

    A. For the exercise of the right of the access to information, the Federation and the federative entities, within the domain [ámbito] of their respective competences, will be governed by the following principles and bases:


    The guarantor organ [organismo] has competence to take cognizance of the matters relating to the access to public information and the protection of personal data from any authority, entity, organ [órgano] or organ [organismo] that is a part of one [alguno] of the Legislative, Executive and Judicial Powers, autonomous organs [órganos], political parties, public trusts [fideicomisos] and funds, as well as from any natural [física] [or] legal [moral] person or trade-union that receives and exercises public resources or realizes acts of authority in the federal domain [ámbito];

    In the formation of the guarantor organ[,] the equity of gender will be provided for [se procurará].
    … (Art. 6)
  • Spanish

    A. Para el ejercicio del derecho de acceso a la información, la Federación y las entidades federativas, en el ámbito de sus respectivas competencias, se regirán por los siguientes principios y bases:

    El organismo garante tiene competencia para conocer de los asuntos relacionados con el acceso a la información pública y la protección de datos personales de cualquier autoridad, entidad, órgano u organismo que forme parte de alguno de los Poderes Legislativo, Ejecutivo y Judicial, órganos autónomos, partidos políticos, fideicomisos y fondos públicos, así como de cualquier persona física, moral o sindicatos que reciba y ejerza recursos públicos o realice actos de autoridad en el ámbito federal;

    En la conformación del organismo garante se procurará la equidad de género.
    ... (Art. 6)
Participation in Public Life and Institutions
  • English
    Rights of the citizen are:

    VI. Having the qualifications that the law establishes, to be able to be appointed for any office [empleo] or commission of the public service;
    … (Art. 35)
  • Spanish
    Son derechos de la ciudadanía:

    Poder ser nombrado para cualquier empleo o comisión del servicio público, teniendo las calidades que establezca la ley;
    … (Art. 35)
Participation in Public Life and Institutions
  • English

    The law will establish the form and procedures through open contest for the composition of the jurisdictional organs, observing the principle of parity of gender.
    … (Art. 94)
  • Spanish

    La ley establecerá la forma y procedimientos mediante concursos abiertos para la integración de los órganos jurisdiccionales, observando el principio de paridad de género.
    … (Art. 94)

Political Constitution of the United Mexican States 1917, as amended to 2023 (English), available in HeinOnline World Constitutions Illustrated Library (2024).

Links to all sites last visited 16 January 2024
Refer to the full provision of Art. 37 for other rules on the grounds of deprivation of nationality.
Refer to the full provision of Art. 123 for all measures regarding employment protection.

Refer to Sections A and B of Article 2 on rights of indigenous peoples.