Political Constitution of the United Mexican States 1917, as amended to 2023
Protection from Violence
  • English

    Slavery is prohibited in the United Mexican States. Slaves who enter the national territory from abroad will recover, by this act alone, their liberty and the protection of the laws.
    … (Art. 1)
  • Spanish

    Está prohibida la esclavitud en los Estados Unidos Mexicanos. Los esclavos del extranjero que entren al territorio nacional alcanzarán, por este solo hecho, su libertad y la protección de las leyes.
    … (Art. 1)
Protection from Violence
  • English

    No one may be obligated to render personal services [trabajos] without just remuneration and without their full consent, which will conform [ajustará] to that provided in fractions I and II of Article 123[,] except the labor [trabajo] imposed as a penalty by the judicial authority.
    … (Art. 5)
  • Spanish

    Nadie podrá ser obligado a prestar trabajos personales sin la justa retribución y sin su pleno consentimiento, salvo el trabajo impuesto como pena por la autoridad judicial, el cual se ajustará a lo dispuesto en las fracciones I y II del artículo 123.
    … (Art. 5)
Protection from Violence
  • English
    No person may arrogate justice, or exercise violence to reclaim their right.
    … (Art. 17)
  • Spanish
    Ninguna persona podrá hacerse justicia por sí misma, ni ejercer violencia para reclamar su derecho.
    … (Art. 17)
Protection from Violence
  • English
    The punishments of death, of mutilation, of public humiliation [infamia], of branding, of flogging, of beating, of torture of any kind, excessive fines, the confiscation of assets and any other unusual or extreme [penalties,] are prohibited.
    Any punishment must be proportional to the crime that [it] sanctions and of good juridical affect.
    … (Art. 22)
  • Spanish
    Quedan prohibidas las penas de muerte, de mutilación, de infamia, la marca, los azotes, los palos, el tormento de cualquier especie, la multa excesiva, la confiscación de bienes y cualesquiera otras penas inusitadas y trascendentales. Toda pena deberá ser proporcional al delito que sancione y al bien jurídico afectado.
    ... (Art. 22)
Protection from Violence
  • English
    The Congress holds the faculty:

    XXI. To enact [expedir]:
    a) The general laws that establishes as a minimum, the criminal grades [tipos penales] and their punishments [sanciones] in the matters of kidnapping, forced disappearance of persons, other forms of deprivation of liberty contrary to the law, trafficking in persons, torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatments or punishments [penas], as well as electoral.
    The general laws that also contemplate the distribution of competences and the forms of coordination between the Federation, the federal entities and the Municipalities;
    … (Art. 73)
  • Spanish
    El Congreso tiene facultad:
    XXI. Para expedir:
    a) Las leyes generales que establezcan como mínimo, los tipos penales y sus sanciones en las materias de secuestro, desaparición forzada de personas, otras formas de privación de la libertad contrarias a la ley, trata de personas, tortura y otros tratos o penas crueles, inhumanos o degradantes, así como electoral.
    Las leyes generales contemplarán también la distribución de competencias y las formas de coordinación entre la Federación, las entidades federativas y los Municipios;
    … (Art. 73)

Political Constitution of the United Mexican States 1917, as amended to 2023 (English), available in HeinOnline World Constitutions Illustrated Library (2024).

Links to all sites last visited 16 January 2024
Refer to the full provision of Art. 37 for other rules on the grounds of deprivation of nationality.
Refer to the full provision of Art. 123 for all measures regarding employment protection.

Refer to Sections A and B of Article 2 on rights of indigenous peoples.