Political Constitution of the United Mexican States 1917, as amended to 2023
Public Institutions and Services
  • English

    The woman and the man are equal before the law. It shall protect the organization and the development of the family.

    Every person has the right to health protection.

    Every family has the right to enjoy decent and proper housing. The law will establish the instruments and supports necessary in order to reach this objective.
    The State will guarantee the delivery of an economic support to persons who have a permanent disability in the terms that the law establishes. ...
    Persons over sixty-eight years of age have the right to receive on the part of the State a non-taxable pension in the terms that the law establishes. 
    … (Art. 4)

  • Spanish

    La mujer y el hombre son iguales ante la ley. Ésta protegerá la organización y el desarrollo de la familia.

    Toda persona tiene derecho a la protección de la salud.

    Toda familia tiene derecho a disfrutar de vivienda digna y decorosa. La Ley establecerá los instrumentos y apoyos necesarios a fin de alcanzar tal objetivo.
    El Estado garantizará la entrega de un apoyo económico a las personas que tengan discapacidad permanente en los términos que fije la Ley. ...
    Las personas mayores de sesenta y ocho años tienen derecho a recibir por parte del Estado una pensión no contributiva en los términos que fije la Ley. 
    … (Art. 4)

Public Institutions and Services
  • English
    B. In the matter of broadcasting [radiodifusión] and telecommunications:
    V. The law will establish a public decentralized organ [organismo] with technical [and] operative autonomy, [autonomy] of decision and of administration [gestion] autonomy, having the objective of providing the service of not-for-profit broadcasting [radiodifusión sin fines de lucro], to the effect of assuring the access of the greater number of persons in each one of the entities [entidades] of the Federation, to contents that promote [promuevan] the national integration, the educational, cultural and civic training [formación], equality between women and men, the diffusion of impartial, objective, opportune and truthful [veraz] information of the national and international events [acontecer], and to give space to the works [obras] of independent production, as well as to the expression of the diversity and plurality of ideas and opinions that fortify the democratic life of the society.
    ... (Art. 6)
  • Spanish
    B. En materia de radiodifusión y telecomunicaciones:
    V. La ley establecerá un organismo público descentralizado con autonomía técnica, operativa, de decisión y de gestión, que tendrá por objeto proveer el servicio de radiodifusión sin fines de lucro, a efecto de asegurar el acceso al mayor número de personas en cada una de las entidades de la Federación, a contenidos que promuevan la integración nacional, la formación educativa, cultural y cívica, la igualdad entre mujeres y hombres, la difusión de información imparcial, objetiva, oportuna y veraz del acontecer nacional e internacional, y dar espacio a las obras de producción independiente, así como a la expresión de la diversidad y pluralidad de ideas y opiniones que fortalezcan la vida democrática de la sociedad.
    … (Art. 6)
Public Institutions and Services
  • English
    The training and the performance of the members of the National Guard and of the other policing institutions will be governed by a policing doctrine based on service to society, discipline, the respect for human rights, the rule of law, superior command, and that conducive to the perspective of gender. (Art. 21)
  • Spanish
    La formación y el desempeño de los integrantes de la Guardia Nacional y de las demás instituciones policiales se regirán por una doctrina policial fundada en el servicio a la sociedad, la disciplina, el respeto a los derechos humanos, al imperio de la ley, al mando superior, y en lo conducente a la perspectiva de género. (Art. 21)

Political Constitution of the United Mexican States 1917, as amended to 2023 (English), available in HeinOnline World Constitutions Illustrated Library (2024).

Links to all sites last visited 16 January 2024
Refer to the full provision of Art. 37 for other rules on the grounds of deprivation of nationality.
Refer to the full provision of Art. 123 for all measures regarding employment protection.

Refer to Sections A and B of Article 2 on rights of indigenous peoples.