Political Constitution of the United Mexican States 1917, as amended to 2023
Citizenship and Nationality
  • English

    Mexican nationality is acquired by birth or by naturalization.
    A. Mexicans by birth are:
    I. Those that are born in the territory of the Republic, whatever the nationality of their parents may be.
    II. Those that are born abroad, children of Mexican parents, of [a] Mexican mother or of [a] Mexican father;
    III. Those that born abroad, children of Mexican parents by naturalization, of [a] Mexican father by naturalization, or of [a] Mexican mother by naturalization, and
    IV. Those that are born on board Mexican vessels or airplanes [aeronaves], either of war or merchant.
    B. Mexicans by naturalization are:
    I. The foreigners who obtain from the Secretariat of Relations the letter [carta] of naturalization.
    II. A foreign woman or man who contracts matrimony with a Mexican man or woman, who holds or establishes their domicile within the national territory and fulfills the other requirements that the law specifies to this effect. (Art. 30)

  • Spanish

    La nacionalidad mexicana se adquiere por nacimiento o por naturalización.
    A) Son mexicanos por nacimiento:
    I. Los que nazcan en territorio de la República, sea cual fuere la nacionalidad de sus padres.
    II. Los que nazcan en el extranjero, hijos de padres mexicanos, de madre mexicana o de padre mexicano;
    III. Los que nazcan en el extranjero, hijos de padres mexicanos por naturalización, de padre mexicano por naturalización, o de madre mexicana por naturalización, y
    IV. Los que nazcan a bordo de embarcaciones o aeronaves mexicanas, sean de guerra o mercantes.
    B) Son mexicanos por naturalización:
    I. Los extranjeros que obtengan de la Secretaría de Relaciones carta de naturalización.
    II. La mujer o el varón extranjeros que contraigan matrimonio con varón o con mujer mexicanos, que tengan o establezcan su domicilio dentro del territorio nacional y cumplan con los demás requisitos que al efecto señale la ley. (Art. 30)

Citizenship and Nationality
  • English
    The law will regulate the exercise of the rights that the Mexican legislation grants to those Mexicans who possess other nationality and will establish norms to avoid conflicts from double nationality.
    ... (Art. 32)
  • Spanish
    La Ley regulará el ejercicio de los derechos que la legislación mexicana otorga a los mexicanos que posean otra nacionalidad y establecerá normas para evitar conflictos por doble nacionalidad.
    … (Art. 32)
Citizenship and Nationality
  • English
    A) No Mexican by birth may be deprived of their nationality.
    ... (Art. 37)3
  • Spanish
    A) Ningún mexicano por nacimiento podrá ser privado de su nacionalidad.
    … (Art. 37)
Citizenship and Nationality
  • English
    The Congress holds the faculty:
    XVI. To enact [dictar] laws concerning nationality, the juridical status [condición] of foreigners, citizenship, naturalization, ... (Art. 73)
  • Spanish
    El Congreso tiene facultad:
    XVI. Para dictar leyes sobre nacionalidad, condición jurídica de los extranjeros, ciudadanía, naturalización, ... (Art. 73)

Political Constitution of the United Mexican States 1917, as amended to 2023 (English), available in HeinOnline World Constitutions Illustrated Library (2024).

Links to all sites last visited 16 January 2024
Refer to the full provision of Art. 37 for other rules on the grounds of deprivation of nationality.
Refer to the full provision of Art. 123 for all measures regarding employment protection.

Refer to Sections A and B of Article 2 on rights of indigenous peoples.