Political Constitution of the Republic of Nicaragua 1987, as amended to 2021
Protection from Violence
  • English

    The institutionalization of the conquests of the Revolution and the construction of a new society that eliminates any type [clase] of exploitation and achieves economic, political and social equality for all Nicaraguans and the absolute respect for the human rights.
    … (Preamble)

  • Spanish

    La institucionalización de las conquistas de la Revolución y la construcción de una nueva sociedad que elimine toda clase de explotación y logre la igualdad económica, política y social de los nicaragüenses y el respeto absoluto de los derechos humanos.
    … (Preámbulo)

Protection from Violence
  • English

    Every person has the right:
    2. To their [su] security.;
    ... (Art. 25)

  • Spanish

    Toda persona tiene derecho:

    2) A su seguridad
    ... (Art. 25)

Protection from Violence
  • English

    The State shall protect the victims of crime and procure that the damages caused be repaired. The victims have the right to the protection of their security, physical and psychological well-being, dignity and private life, in accordance to the law.
    ... (Art. 34)

  • Spanish

    El Estado protegerá a las víctimas de delito y procurará que se reparen los daños causados. Las víctimas tienen derecho a que se les proteja su seguridad, bienestar físico y psicológico, dignidad y vida privada, de conformidad a la ley.
    ... (Art. 34)

Protection from Violence
  • English

    Every person has the right that their [su] physical, psychic and moral integrity[,] is respected. No one will be submitted to tortures, procedures, penalties, or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatments. The violation of this right constitutes [a] crime and will be punished by the law. (Art. 36)

  • Spanish

    Toda persona tiene derecho a que se respete su integridad física, psíquica y moral. Nadie será sometido a torturas, procedimientos, penas ni a tratos crueles, inhumanos o degradantes. La violación de este derecho constituye delito y será penado por la ley. (Art. 36)

Protection from Violence
  • English

    No one will be subject to servitude. Slavery and the slave trade of any nature, are prohibited in all their forms. (Art. 40)

  • Spanish

    Nadie será sometido a servidumbre. La esclavitud y la trata de cualquier naturaleza, están prohibidas en todas sus formas. (Art. 40)

Protection from Violence
  • English

    Child labor [trabajo de los menores] is prohibited, in jobs that may affect their [su] normal development or their [su] obligatory cycle of education [instrucción]. Children and adolescents will be protected against any type [clase] of economic and social exploitation. (Art. 84)

  • Spanish

    Se prohíbe el trabajo de los menores, en labores que puedan afectar su desarrollo normal o su ciclo de instrucción obligatoria. Se protegerá a los niños y adolescentes contra cualquier clase de explotación económica y social. (Art. 84)


Political Constitution of the Republic of Nicaragua 1987, as amended to 2021 (English), available in HeinOnline World Constitutions Illustrated Library (2024). According to Art. 11: “Spanish is the official language of the State. ...”

Links to all sites last visited 16 April 2024

Chapter II on Constitutional Control.


Chapter II on Constitutional Control.