Political Constitution of the Republic of Nicaragua 1987, as amended to 2021
  • English

    The State recognizes the existence of the indigenous and Afro-descendant Peoples, who enjoy the rights, duties and guarantees consigned in the Constitution[,] and especially, those to maintain and develop their identity and culture, to have their own forms of social organization and to administer their local affairs; as well as to maintain the communal forms of ownership of their lands and the enjoyment, use and yields [disfrute] [of them], all in accordance with the law. For the communities of the Caribbean Coast the regime of autonomy is established in this Constitution.
    ... (Art. 5)

  • Spanish

    El Estado reconoce la existencia de los pueblos originarios y afrodescendientes, que gozan de los derechos, deberes y garantías consignados en la Constitución y en especial, los de mantener y desarrollar su identidad y cultura, tener sus propias formas de organización social y administrar sus asuntos locales; así como mantener las formas comunales de propiedad de sus tierras y el goce, uso y disfrute, todo de conformidad con la Ley. Para las comunidades de la Costa Caribe se establece el régimen de autonomía en la presente Constitución.
    ... (Art. 5)


Political Constitution of the Republic of Nicaragua 1987, as amended to 2021 (English), available in HeinOnline World Constitutions Illustrated Library (2024). According to Art. 11: “Spanish is the official language of the State. ...”

Links to all sites last visited 16 April 2024

Chapter II on Constitutional Control.


Chapter II on Constitutional Control.