Political Constitution of Peru 1993, as amended to 2023
Political Parties
  • English

    Citizens may exercise their rights individually or through political organizations, such as parties, movements or alliances, in accordance with the law. Such organizations participate in the development and manifestation of the will of the people. Their inscription in the corresponding register confers juridical personality on them.
    Through the law[,] provisions oriented to assure the democratic functioning of the political organizations and the transparency concerning the origin of their economic resources, as well as their verification, supervision, control and sanction[,] are established.
    The financing of the political organizations may be public and private. It is governed by the law in accordance with criteria of transparency and rendition of accounts. The public financing promotes the participation and strengthening of the political organizations under criteria of equality and proportionality. The private financing is realized through the financial system with the corresponding exceptions, limits [topes] and restrictions. Illegal financing generates the respective administrative, civil and penal sanction.
    … (Art. 35)

  • Spanish

    Los ciudadanos pueden ejercer sus derechos individualmente o a través de organizaciones políticas como partidos, movimientos o alianzas, conforme a ley. Tales organizaciones concurren a la formación y manifestación de la voluntad popular. Su inscripción en el registro correspondiente les concede personalidad jurídica.
    Mediante ley se establecen disposiciones orientadas a asegurar el funcionamiento democrático de las organizaciones políticas y la transparencia sobre el origen de sus recursos económicos, así como su verificación, fiscalización, control y sanción.
    El financiamiento de las organizaciones políticas puede ser público y privado. Se rige por ley conforme a criterios de transparencia y rendición de cuentas. El financiamiento público promueve la participación y fortalecimiento de las organizaciones políticas bajo criterios de igualdad y proporcionalidad. El financiamiento privado se realiza a través del sistema financiero con las excepciones, topes y restricciones correspondientes. El financiamiento ilegal genera la sanción administrativa, civil y penal respectiva.
    … (Art. 35)


Political Constitution of Peru 1993, as amended to 2023 (English), available in HeinOnline World Constitutions Illustrated Library (2023). According to Art. 48: “Official languages of the State are Castilian and, in the zones where predominant, Quechua, Aymara and the other aboriginal tongues are also, in accordance with the law.”


Political Constitution of Peru 1993, as amended to 2023 (Spanish), available in HeinOnline World Constitutions Illustrated Library (2023).

Documents last visited 7 December 2023

Chapter I on Fundamental Rights of the Person.


Chapter I on Fundamental Rights of the Person.


The English translation of Article 9 is not correct. The number of Congressmen is one hundred thirty.