Constitution of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay 1967, as amended to 2004
Status of the Constitution
  • English
    There are hereby declared to be in full force and effect the laws which up to the present time have governed in all matters and points which are not directly in conflict with this Constitution or with the laws issued by the Legislative Power. (Art. 329)
  • Spanish
    Decláranse en su fuerza y vigor las leyes que hasta aquí han regido en todas las materias y puntos que directa o indirectamente no se opongan a esta Constitución ni a las leyes que expida el Poder Legislativo. (Art. 329)
Status of the Constitution
  • English
    The provisions of the present Constitution which recognize individual rights, as well as those which confer powers and impose duties on public authorities, shall not be without effect by reason of the lack of corresponding regulations, but such regulations shall be supplied on the basis of analogous laws, general principles of justice, and generally accepted doctrines. (Art. 332)
  • Spanish
    Los preceptos de la presente Constitución que reconocen derechos a los individuos, así como los que atribuyen facultades e imponen deberes a las autoridades públicas, no dejarán de aplicarse por falta de la reglamentación respectiva, sino que ésta será suplida, recurriendo a los fundamentos de leyes análogas, a los principios generales de derecho y a las doctrinas generalmente admitidas. (Art. 332)
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