Constitution of the Republic of Cyprus 1960, as amended to 2019
Limitations and/or Derogations
  • English
    1. Subject to the provisions of this Constitution relating to a state of emergency, the fundamental rights and liberties guaranteed by this Part shall not be subjected to any other limitations or restrictions than those in this Part provided.
    2. The provisions of this Part relating to such limitations or restrictions shall be interpreted strictly and shall not be applied for any purpose other than those for which they have been prescribed. (Art. 33)
  • Greek
    1. Τηρουμένων των διατάξεως του Συντάγματος των σχετικών προς την κατάστασιν εκτάκτου ανάγκης, τα υπό του παρόντος μέρους ηγγυημένα θεμελιώδη δικαιώματα και ελευθερίαι δεν υπόκεινται εις οιονδήποτε έτερον όρον, δέσμευσιν ή περιορισμόν πλην των εν τω παρόντι μέρει οριζομένων.
    2. Αι διατάξεις του παρόντος μέρους αι αναφερόμεναι εις τοιούτους όρους, δεσμεύσεις ή περιορισμούς δέον να ερμηνεύωνται στενώς και να μη εφαρμόζωνται δι’ οιονδήποτε σκοπόν διάφορον εκείνου δι’ ον εθεσπίσθησαν. (Αρθρον 33)
  • Turkish
    1. Bu Kısımla sağlanan ana hak ve hürriyetler, Anayasanın olağanüstü hâl hakkındaki hükümleri dışında, bu Kısımda konulanların haricinde hiçbir kısıtlama veya sınırlamaya tabi tutulamaz.
    2. Bu Kısmın kısıtlama veya sınırlamalara dair hükümleri dar bir çerçevede yorumlanır ve konma amaçlarının dışında herhangi bir maksatla uygulanamaz. (Madde 33)
Limitations and/or Derogations
  • English
    Nothing in this Part may be interpreted as implying for any Community, group or person any right to engage in any activity or perform any act aimed at the undermining or destruction of the constitutional order established by this Constitution or at the destruction of any of the rights and liberties set forth in this Part7 or at their limitation to a greater extent than is provided for therein. (Art. 34)
  • Greek
    Ουδέν εκ των εν τω παρόντι, μέρει διαλαμβανομένων δύναται να ερμηνευθή ως παρέχον οιονδήποτε δικαίωμα εις οιονδήποτε κοινότητα, ομάδα ή άτομον να επιδοθή εις οιανδήποτε δράσιν ή εκτέλεσιν οιασδήποτε πράξεως σκοπούσης την υπονόμευσιν ή την κατάργησιν της υπό του Συντάγματος καθιδρυομένης συνταγματικής τάξεως ή την κατάργησιν οιουδήποτε εκ των εν τω παρόντι μέρει καθοριζομένων δικαιωμάτων ή ελευθεριών ή τον περιορισμόν αυτών εις μεγαλύτερον του οριζομένου εν τω παρόντι μέρει βαθμόν. (Αρθρον 34)
  • Turkish
    Bu Bölümdeki hiçbir şey, herhangi bir Topluluk, grup veya kişi için, bu Anayasa tarafından belirlenen anayasal düzenin baltalanılmasına veya yok edilmesine veya bu Bölümde belirtilen hak ve özgürlüklerin herhangi birinin yok edilmesine veya sınırlamalarına yönelik herhangi bir faaliyette bulunma veya herhangi bir eylemde bulunma hakkını ima etmek olarak yorumlanamaz. (Madde 34)
Limitations and/or Derogations
  • English
    1. In case of war or other public danger threatening the life of the Republic or any part thereof, the Council of Ministers shall have power, by a decision taken in this respect, to issue a Proclamation of Emergency:
    Provided that the President and the Vice-President of the Republic shall separately or conjointly, have a right of veto against any such decision which they shall exercise within forty-eight hours of the date when the decision has been transmitted to their respective offices.
    2. Any such Proclamation shall specify the Articles of the Constitution which shall be suspended for the duration of such Emergency:
    Provided that only the following Articles of the Constitution may be suspended by any such Proclamation that is to say: Article 7, only in so far as it relates to death inflicted by a permissible act of war; Article 10, paragraphs 2 and 3; Article 11; Article 13; Article 16; Article 17; Article 19; Article 21; Article 23, paragraph 8, sub-paragraph (d); Article 25 and Article 27. … (Art. 183)
  • Greek
    1. Εν περιπτώσει πολέμου ή ετέρου δημοσίου κινδύνου απειλούντος την ύπαρξιν της Δημοκρατίας ή οιονδήποτε τμήμα αυτής το Υπουργικόν Συμβούλιον κέκτηται την εξουσίαν να προκηρύσση δι’ αποφάσεως αυτού την κήρυξιν καταστάσεως εκτάκτου ανάγκης’ ο Πρόεδρος και ο Αντιπρόεδρος της Δημοκρατίας, όμως, ιδία εκάτερος ή από κοινού έχουσι δικαίωμα αρνησικυρίας οιασδήποτε τοιαύτης αποφάσεως ασκούμενον εντός τεσσαράκοντα οκτώ ωρών από της ημέρας, καθ’ ην η απόφασις εκοινοποιήθη εις το γραφείον εκατέρου.
    2. Πάσα τοιαύτη προκήρυξις καθορίζει τα άρθρα του Συντάγματος, άτινα αναστέλλονται, καθ’ όλην την διάρκειαν της καταστάσεως εκτάκτου ανάγκης’ μόνον όμως τα κάτωθι αναφερόμενα άρθρα του Συντάγματος δύνανται να ανασταλώσι δια της προκηρύξεως: το άρθρον 7, μόνον καθ’ όσον αφορά εις θάνατον προκληθέντα εκ θεμιτής πολεμικής ενεργείας, η δευτέρα και τρίτη παράγραφος του άρθρου 10, τα άρθρα 11, 13, 16, 17, 19, 21, το εδάφιον (δ) της ογδόης παραγράφου του άρθρου 23 και τα άρθρα 25 και 27.
    … (Αρθρον 183)
  • Turkish
    1. Cumhuriyetin veya herhangi bir kısmının hayatını tehdit eden savaş veya diğer kamusal bir tehlike hâlinde Bakanlar Kurulu, bu hususta alacağı bir kararla Olağanüstü Hâl İlanına yetkilidir:
    Ancak Cumhurbaşkanı ve Cumhurbaşkanı Yardımcısı, böyle bir karara karşı, bu kararın dairelerine ulaştırıldığı tarihten itibaren kırk sekiz saat içinde, ayrı ayrı veya birlikte, veto hakkına sahiptir.
    2. Bu gibi her İlanda, söz konusu Olağanüstü Hâlin devamı süresince yürürlüğü durdurulan Anayasa maddeleri açıkça gösterilir:
    Ancak, bu gibi herhangi bir İlan ile Anayasanın yalnız aşağıdaki maddelerinin yürürlüğü durdurulabilir:-Yalnız müsaade edilmiş bir savaş fiili ile sebebiyet verilen ölüm bakımından 7. Madde; 10. Maddenin 2. ve 3. fıkraları; 11. Madde; 13. Madde; 16. Madde; 17. Madde; 19. Madde; 21. Madde; 23. Maddenin 8. fıkrasının (d) bendi; 25. Madde ve 27. Madde.... (Madde 183)

Constitution of the Republic of Cyprus 1960, as amended to 2015 (English), available in HeinOnline World Constitutions Illustrated Library (2019). Consolidated version as amended to 2019 not publicly available. According to Art. 3(1): "The official languages of the Republic are Greek and Turkish.”


Constitution of the Republic of Cyprus 1960, as amended to 2019 (Turkish). In-house translation by UN Women (2020).

Links to all sites last visited 31 March 2021
For all provisions on jurisdiction and access, refer to Articles 137-151.
Part II on Fundamental Rights and Liberties.
Part II on Fundamental Rights and Liberties.
Part II on Fundamental Rights and Liberties.
Part II on Fundamental Rights and Liberties.