Constitution of Nepal 2015, as amended to 2020
Sexual and Reproductive Rights
  • English
    The State shall pursue the following policies:

    (h) Policies relating to basic needs of the citizens:

    (10) to increase average life expectancy by reducing maternal and infant mortality rate, while encouraging family planning for population management on the basis of Nepal's capacity and need,

    (j) Policies relating to social justice and inclusion:

    (3) to ensure enjoyment of requisite services and facilities at the reproductive stage,
    … (Art. 51)
  • Nepali
    राज्यले देहायका नीतिहरू अवलम्बन गर्नेछः–
    (ज) नागरिकका आधारभूत आवश्यकता सम्बन्धी नीतिः
    (१०) नेपालको क्षमता र आवश्यकताका आधारमा जनसंख्या व्यवस्थापनकालागि परिवार नियोजनलाई प्रोत्साहित गर्दै मातृ–शिशु मृत्युदर घटाई औसत आयु बढाउने,
    (ञ) सामाजिक न्याय र समावेशीकरण सम्बन्धी नीतिः
    (३) प्रजनन अवस्थामा आवश्यक सेवा सुविधा उपभोगको
    सुनिश्चितता गर्ने,
    ... (धारा ५१)
Sexual and Reproductive Rights
  • English

    10. Planning, family planning and population management
    … (Schedule 7, List of Concurrent (federal and provincial) Powers/Jurisdiction)
  • Nepali

    (१०) योजना, परिवार नियोजन र जनसंख्या व्यवस्थापन
    ... (अनुसूची–७, संघ र प्रदेशको साझा अधिकारको सूची)

Constitution of Nepal 2015, as amended to 2020 (English). According to Art. 7(1): “The Nepali language in the Devnagari script shall be the official language of Nepal.”

Links to all sites last visited 8 December 2023