Constitution of Nepal 2015, as amended to 2020
Status of International Law
  • English

    (2) For the accomplishment of the duty referred to in clause (1), the National Human Rights Commission shall perform the following functions:

    (g) In case Nepal has to become a party to any international treaty or agreement on human rights, to make recommendation, accompanied by the reasons therefor, to the Government of Nepal; and monitor whether any such treaty or an agreement to which Nepal is already a party has been implemented, and in case it is found not to have been implemented, to make recommendation to the Government of Nepal for its implementation;
    … (Art. 249)

  • Nepali

    (२) उपधारा (१) मा उल्लिखित कर्तव्य पूरा गर्नकालागि राष्ट्रिय मानव अधिकार आयोगले देहाय बमोजिमका काम गर्नेछ ः–
    (छ) मानव अधिकारसँग सम्बन्धित अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय सन्धि वा सम्झौताको नेपाल पक्ष बन्नु पर्ने भएमा त्यसको कारण सहित नेपाल सरकारलाई सिफारिस गर्ने र नेपाल पक्ष बनिसकेका सन्धि वा सम्झौताको कार्यान्वयन भए वा नभएको अनुगमन गरी कार्यान्वयन नभएको पाइएमा त्यसको कार्यान्वयन गर्न नेपाल सरकार समक्ष सिफारिस गर्ने,
    ... (धारा २४९)

Status of International Law
  • English
    (1) The functions, duties and powers of the National Women Commission shall be as follows:

    (b) to monitor as to whether laws concerning the rights and interests of the women and obligations under the international treaties to which Nepal is a party have been implemented, and make suggestions, accompanied by the measures for their effective compliance and implementation to the Government of Nepal,

    (e) to make suggestions to the Government of Nepal about the preparation of reports to be submitted by Nepal in accordance with the provisions contained in the international treaties or agreements concerning women's rights, to which Nepal is a party,
    … (Art. 253)
  • Nepali
    (१) राष्ट्रिय महिला आयोगको काम, कर्तव्य र अधिकार देहाय बमोजिम हुनेछ:
    (ख) महिलाको हक हितसँग सम्बन्धित कानून वा नेपाल पक्ष भएको अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय सन्धि वा सम्झौता अन्तर्गतको दायित्व कार्यान्वयन भए वा नभएको विषयमा अनुगमन गरी त्यसको प्रभावकारी पालन वा कार्यान्वयनको उपाय सहित नेपाल सरकारलाई सुझाव दिने,
    (ङ) महिला अधिकारसँग सम्बन्धित नेपाल पक्ष भएको अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय सन्धि वा सम्झौतामा भएको व्यवस्था बमोजिम नेपालले पठाउनु पर्ने प्रतिवेदन तयारीका सम्बन्धमा नेपाल सरकारलाई सुझाव दिने,
    ... (धारा २५३)
Status of International Law
  • English
    (1) The functions, duties and powers of the National Dalit Commission shall be as follows:

    (d) to make suggestions to the Government of Nepal about the preparation of reports to be submitted by Nepal in accordance with the provisions contained in the international treaties or agreements concerning the rights of the Dalit community, to which Nepal is a party,
    … (Art. 256)
  • Nepali
    (१) राष्ट्रिय दलित आयोगको काम, कर्तव्य र अधिकार देहाय बमोजिम हुनेछ:
    (घ) दलित समुदायको अधिकारसंग सम्बन्धित नेपाल पक्ष भएको अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय सन्धि वा सम्झौतामा भएको व्यवस्था बमोजिम नेपालले पठाउनु पर्ने प्रतिवेदन तयारीका सम्बन्धमा नेपाल सरकारलाई सुझाव दिने,
    ... (धारा २५६)

Constitution of Nepal 2015, as amended to 2020 (English). According to Art. 7(1): “The Nepali language in the Devnagari script shall be the official language of Nepal.”

Links to all sites last visited 8 December 2023