Constitution of Nepal 2015, as amended to 2020
Women’s Rights
  • English

    (1) Every woman shall have equal lineage right without gender based discrimination.
    (2) Every woman shall have the right to safe motherhood and reproductive health.
    (3) No woman shall be subjected to physical, mental, sexual, psychological or other form of violence or exploitation on grounds of religion, social, cultural tradition, practice or on any other grounds. Such act shall be punishable by law, and the victim shall have the right to obtain compensation in accordance with law.
    (4) Women shall have the right to participate in all bodies of the State on the basis of the principle of proportional inclusion.
    (5) Women shall have the right to obtain special opportunity in education, health, employment and social security, on the basis of positive discrimination.
    (6) The husband and wife shall have the equal right to property and family affairs. (Art. 38)

  • Nepali

    (१) प्रत्येक महिलालाई लैंगिक भेदभाव विना समान वंशीय हक हुनेछ ।
    (२) प्रत्येक महिलालाई सुरक्षित मातृत्व र प्रजनन स्वास्थ्य सम्बन्धी हक हुनेछ ।
    (३) महिला विरुद्व धार्मिक, सामाजिक, सांस्कृतिक परम्परा, प्रचलन वा अन्य कुनै आधारमा शारीरिक, मानसिक, यौनजन्य, मनोवैज्ञानिक वा अन्यकुनै किसिमको हिंसाजन्य कार्य वा शोषण गरिने छैन । त्यस्तो कार्य कानूनबमोजिम दण्डनीय हुनेछ र पीडितलाई कानून बमोजिम क्षतिपूर्ति पाउने हकहुनेछ ।
    (४) राज्यका सबै निकायमा महिलालाई समानुपातिक समावेशी सिद्धान्तको आधारमा सहभागी हुने हक हुनेछ ।
    (५) महिलालाई शिक्षा, स्वास्थ्य, रोजगारी र सामाजिक सुरक्षामा सकारात्मक विभेदका आधारमा विशेष अवसर प्राप्त गर्ने हक हुनेछ ।
    (६) सम्पत्ति तथा पारिवारिक मामिलामा दम्पतीको समान हक हुनेछ । (धारा ३८)

Women’s Rights
  • English
    The Government of Nepal shall make appraisal and review of the implementation of special rights of the women and Dalit community and impacts thereof, on the basis of human development index, concurrently with a national census to be held in every ten years. (Art. 281)
  • Nepali
    नेपाल सरकारले प्रत्येक दश वर्षमा हुने राष्ट्रिय जनगणनासँगै महिला तथा दलित समुदायको विशेष अधिकारको व्यवस्थाको कार्यान्वयन र त्यसको प्रभाव सम्बन्धमा मानव विकास सूचकांकको आधारमा समीक्षा तथा पुनरावलोकन गर्नेछ । (धारा २८१)

Constitution of Nepal 2015, as amended to 2020 (English). According to Art. 7(1): “The Nepali language in the Devnagari script shall be the official language of Nepal.”

Links to all sites last visited 8 December 2023