Basic Statute of the State of Oman 2021
Jurisdiction and Access
  • English

    The law shall designate the judicial body with the competence to adjudicate disputes relating to the conformity of laws, procedures that have the power of law, royal decrees, and regulations with the Basic Statute of the State and their non-contravention of its provisions, and shall prescribe its authority as well as the procedures it follows. (Art. 85)

  • Arabic

    يعين القانون الجهة القضائية التي تختص بالفصل في المنازعات المتعلقة بمدى تطابق القوانين، والإجراءات التي لها قوة القانون، والمراسيم السلطانية، واللوائح مع النظام الأساسي للدولة وعدم مخالفتها أحكامه، ويبين صلاحياتها والإجراءات التي تتبعها. (المادّة ٨٥)


Basic Statute of the State of Oman 2021 (English). According to Art. 3: “The official language of the State is the Arabic language.”

Links to all sites last visited 16 April 2024