The Palestinian Basic Law 2003, as amended to 2005
Employment Rights and Protection
  • English
    1. Every citizen shall have the right to work, which is a duty and honor. The Palestinian National Authority shall strive to provide work for any individual capable of performing it.
    2. Work relations shall be organized in a manner that guarantees justice to all and provides workers with welfare, security, and health and social benefits.
    … (Art. 25)
  • Arabic
    1- العمل حق لكل مواطن وهو واجب وشرف وتسعى السلطة الوطنية إلى توفيره لكل قادر عليه.
    2- تنظم علاقات العمل بما يكفل العدالة للجميع ويوفر للعمال الرعاية والأمن والرعاية الصحية والاجتماعية.
    ... (المادّة 25)
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