Constitution of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 1992, as amended to 2013
Participation in Public Life and Institutions
  • English
    The "Majlis" of the King and the "Majlis" of the Crown Prince shall be open to all citizens and to anyone who may have a complaint or a grievance. Every individual shall have the right to communicate with public authorities regarding any topic he may wish to discuss. (Basic Law, Art. 43)
  • Arabic
    مجلس الملك ومجلس ولي العهد، مفتوحان لكل مواطن، ولكل من له شكوى أو مظلمة، ومن حق كل فرد مخاطبة السلطات العامة فيما يُعرض له من الشؤون. (النظام الأساسي، المادة 43)
Links to all sites last visited 31 March 2021