Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan 1992, as amended to 2017
Limitations and/or Derogations
  • English
    None of the provisions of the present Constitution may be interpreted in a way detrimental to the rights and interests of the Republic of Uzbekistan. … (Art. 16)
  • Uzbek
    Mazkur Konstitutsiyaning birorta qoidasi O‘zbekiston Respublikasi huquq va manfaatlariga zarar yetkazadigan tarzda talqin etilishi mumkin emas. ... (16-modda)
Limitations and/or Derogations
  • English
    A citizen of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the state shall be bound by mutual rights and mutual responsibility. Citizens’ rights and freedoms, established by the Constitution and laws, shall be inalienable. No one shall have the right to deprive or limit them without a court. (Art. 19)
  • Uzbek
    O‘zbekiston Respublikasi fuqarosi va davlat bir-biriga nisbatan bo‘lgan huquqlari va burchlari bilan o‘zaro bog‘liqdirlar. Fuqarolarning Konstitutsiya va qonunlarda mustahkamlab qo‘yilgan huquq va erkinliklari daxlsizdir, ulardan sud qarorisiz mahrum etishga yoki ularni cheklab qo‘yishga hech kim haqli emas. (19-modda)
Limitations and/or Derogations
  • English
    The exercising of rights and freedoms by a citizen must not encroach on the lawful interests, rights and freedoms of other persons, the state and society. (Art. 20)
  • Uzbek
    Fuqarolar o‘z huquq va erkinliklarini amalga oshirishda boshqa shaxslarning, davlat va jamiyatning qonuniy manfaatlari, huquqlari va erkinliklariga putur yetkazmasliklari shart. (20-modda)

Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan 1992, as amended to 2014 (English). Consolidated version as amended to 2017 not publicly available. According to Art. 4: “The state language of the Republic of Uzbekistan shall be Uzbek. …”

Links to all sites last visited 31 March 2021
Art. 108 as amended by 2017 Amendment; In-house translation by UN Women, 2019
Art. 109 as amended by 2017 Amendment; In-house translation by UN Women, 2019
Art. 109 as amended by 2017 Amendment; In-house translation by UN Women, 2019