Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan 1992, as amended to 2017
Equality and Non-Discrimination
  • English
    All citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan shall have equal rights and freedoms, and shall be equal before law without discrimination by sex, race, nationality, language, religion, social origin, convictions, individual and social status.
    Any privileges may be granted solely by law and must conform to the principles of social justice. (Art. 18)
  • Uzbek
    O‘zbekiston Respublikasida barcha fuqarolar bir xil huquq va erkinliklarga ega bo‘lib, jinsi, irqi, millati, tili, dini, ijtimoiy kelib chiqishi, e’tiqodi, shaxsi va ijtimoiy mavqeidan qat’i nazar, qonun oldida tengdirlar.
    Imtiyozlar faqat qonun bilan belgilanib qo‘yiladi hamda ijtimoiy adolat printsiplariga mos bo‘lishi shart. (18-modda)
Equality and Non-Discrimination
  • English
    Women and men shall have equal rights. (Art. 46)
  • Uzbek
    Xotin-qizlar va erkaklar teng huquqlidirlar. (46-modda)

Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan 1992, as amended to 2014 (English). Consolidated version as amended to 2017 not publicly available. According to Art. 4: “The state language of the Republic of Uzbekistan shall be Uzbek. …”

Links to all sites last visited 31 March 2021
Art. 108 as amended by 2017 Amendment; In-house translation by UN Women, 2019
Art. 109 as amended by 2017 Amendment; In-house translation by UN Women, 2019
Art. 109 as amended by 2017 Amendment; In-house translation by UN Women, 2019