Constitution of the Principality of Andorra 1993
Equality and Non-Discrimination
  • English

    2. The Constitution proclaims that the action of the Andorran State is inspired by the principles of respect and promotion of liberty, equality, justice, tolerance, defence of human rights and dignity of the person.
    … (Art. 1)
  • Catalan

    2. La Constitució proclama com a principis inspiradors de l'acció de l'Estat andorrà el respecte i la promoció de la llibertat, la igualtat, la justícia, la tolerància, la defensa dels drets humans i la dignitat de la persona.
    … (Art. 1)
Equality and Non-Discrimination
  • English
    2. The Constitution recognizes the principles of equality, hierarchy, publicity of the judicial rules, non-retroactivity of the rules restricting individual rights or those that are unfavourable in their effect or sanction, juridical security, accountability of public institutions and prohibition of any kind of arbitrariness.
    ... (Art. 3)
  • Catalan
    2. La Constitució garanteix els principis de legalitat, de jerarquia, de publicitat de les normes jurídiques, de no retroactivitat de les disposicions restrictives de drets individuals o que comportin un efecte o estableixin una sanció desfavorables, de seguretat jurídica, de responsabilitat dels poders públics i d'interdicció de tota arbitrarietat.
    ... (Art. 3)
Equality and Non-Discrimination
  • English
    1. All persons are equal before the law. No one may be discriminated against on grounds of birth, race, sex, origin, religion, opinions or any other personal or social condition.
    2. Public authorities shall create the conditions in which the equality and the liberty of the individual may be real and effective. (Art. 6)
  • Catalan
    1. Totes les persones són iguals davant la llei. Ningú no pot ésser discriminat per raó de naixement, raça, sexe, origen, religió, opinió, o qualsevol altra condició personal o social.
    2. Els poders públics han de crear les condicions per tal que la igualtat i la llibertat dels individus siguin reals i efectives. (Art. 6)

Constitution of the Principality of Andorra 1993 (English). According to Art. 2(1): "Catalan is the official language of the State.”

Links to all sites last visited 6 February 2024
3, 4

3 - Chapter III on the fundamental rights of the person and public freedoms.

4 - Chapter IV on Political rights of Andorran nationals.

5, 6
5 - Chapter III on the fundamental rights of the person and public freedoms.
6 - Chapter IV on Political rights of Andorran nationals.
7, 8
7 - Chapter III on the fundamental rights of the person and public freedoms.
8 - Chapter IV on Political rights of Andorran nationals.
9, 10
9 - Chapter III on the fundamental rights of the person and public freedoms.
10 - Chapter IV on Political rights of Andorran nationals.
11, 12
11 - Chapter III on the fundamental rights of the person and public freedoms.
12 - Chapter IV on Political rights of Andorran nationals.
13, 14
13 - Chapter III on the fundamental rights of the person and public freedoms.
14 - Chapter IV on Political rights of Andorran nationals.