Constitution of the Principality of Andorra 1993
Citizenship and Nationality
  • English
    1. The status of Andorran national, as well as its legal effects, is acquired, kept and lost in accordance with the provisions of a Qualified Law.
    2. The acquisition or retention of a nationality other than Andorran shall entail the loss of the latter, subject to the terms and periods established by law. (Art. 7)
  • Catalan
    1. La condició de nacional andorrà, així com les seves conseqüències jurídiques, s'adquireix, es conserva i es perd d'acord amb el que es reguli en Llei Qualificada.
    2. L'adquisició o el manteniment d'una nacionalitat diferent de l'andorrana implicarà la pèrdua d'aquesta en els termes i terminis fixats per la llei. (Art. 7)

Constitution of the Principality of Andorra 1993 (English). According to Art. 2(1): "Catalan is the official language of the State.”

Links to all sites last visited 6 February 2024
3, 4

3 - Chapter III on the fundamental rights of the person and public freedoms.

4 - Chapter IV on Political rights of Andorran nationals.

5, 6
5 - Chapter III on the fundamental rights of the person and public freedoms.
6 - Chapter IV on Political rights of Andorran nationals.
7, 8
7 - Chapter III on the fundamental rights of the person and public freedoms.
8 - Chapter IV on Political rights of Andorran nationals.
9, 10
9 - Chapter III on the fundamental rights of the person and public freedoms.
10 - Chapter IV on Political rights of Andorran nationals.
11, 12
11 - Chapter III on the fundamental rights of the person and public freedoms.
12 - Chapter IV on Political rights of Andorran nationals.
13, 14
13 - Chapter III on the fundamental rights of the person and public freedoms.
14 - Chapter IV on Political rights of Andorran nationals.