Constitution of the Principality of Andorra 1993
Head of State
  • English
    1. In accordance with the institutional tradition of Andorra, the Coprinces are, jointly and indivisibly, the Head of State, and they assume its highest representation.
    2. The Coprinces, an institution which dates from the Pareatges and their historical evolution, are in their personal and exclusive right, the Bishop of Urgell and the President of the French Republic. Their powers are equal and derive from the present Constitution.
    … (Art. 43)
  • Catalan
    1. D'acord amb la tradició institucional d'Andorra els coprínceps són, conjuntament i indivisa, el Cap de l'Estat, i n'assumeixen la representació més alta.
    2. Els Coprínceps, institució sorgida dels Pareatges i de la seva evolució històrica són, a títol personal i exclusiu, el Bisbe d'Urgell i el President de la República Francesa. Llurs poders són iguals i derivats de la present Constitució.
    … (Art. 43)

Constitution of the Principality of Andorra 1993 (English). According to Art. 2(1): "Catalan is the official language of the State.”

Links to all sites last visited 6 February 2024
3, 4

3 - Chapter III on the fundamental rights of the person and public freedoms.

4 - Chapter IV on Political rights of Andorran nationals.

5, 6
5 - Chapter III on the fundamental rights of the person and public freedoms.
6 - Chapter IV on Political rights of Andorran nationals.
7, 8
7 - Chapter III on the fundamental rights of the person and public freedoms.
8 - Chapter IV on Political rights of Andorran nationals.
9, 10
9 - Chapter III on the fundamental rights of the person and public freedoms.
10 - Chapter IV on Political rights of Andorran nationals.
11, 12
11 - Chapter III on the fundamental rights of the person and public freedoms.
12 - Chapter IV on Political rights of Andorran nationals.
13, 14
13 - Chapter III on the fundamental rights of the person and public freedoms.
14 - Chapter IV on Political rights of Andorran nationals.