Coordinated Constitution of Belgium 1994, as amended to 2021
Obligations of the State
  • English
    Enjoyment of the rights and freedoms recognised for Belgians must be provided without discrimination. To this end, laws and federate laws guarantee among others the rights and freedoms of ideological and philosophical minorities. (Art. 11)
  • Dutch
    Het genot van de rechten en vrijheden aan de Belgen toegekend moet zonder discriminatie verzekerd worden. Te dien einde waarborgen de wet en het decreet inzonderheid de rechten en vrijheden van de ideologische en filosofische minderheden. (Art. 11)
  • French
    La jouissance des droits et libertés reconnus aux Belges doit être assure sans discrimination. A cette fin, la loi et le décret garantissent notamment les droits et libertés des minorités idéologiques et philosophiques. (Art. 11)
  • German
    Der Genuss der den Belgiern zuerkannten Rechte und Freiheiten muss ohne Diskriminierung gesichert werden. Zu diesem Zweck gewährleisten das Gesetz und das Dekret insbesondere die Rechte und Freiheiten der ideologischen und philosophischen Minderheiten. (Art. 11)
Obligations of the State
  • English
    The law, federate law or rule referred to in Article 134 guarantees that women and men may equally exercise their rights and freedoms, … (Art. 11bis)
  • Dutch
    De wet, het decreet of de in artikel 134 bedoelde regel waarborgen voor vrouwen en mannen de gelijke uitoefening van hun rechten en vrijheden, … (Art. 11bis)
  • French
    La loi, le décret ou la règle visée à l’article 134 garantissent aux femmes et aux hommes l’égal exercice de leurs droits et libertés, ... (Art. 11bis)
  • German
    Das Gesetz, das Dekret oder die in Artikel 134 erwähnte Regel gewährleistet Frauen und Männern die gleiche Ausübung ihrer Rechte und Freiheiten ... (Art. 11bis)
Links to all sites last visited 1 November 2023
According to Art. 134: “Laws passed in order to execute Art. 39 determine the judicial force of the rules which the bodies that they create enact in matters which they determine. They can confer to these bodies the power to pass federate laws that have the force of law, within the jurisdiction and in the manner that they determine.”
According to Art. 134: “Laws passed in order to execute Art. 39 determine the judicial force of the rules which the bodies that they create enact in matters which they determine. They can confer to these bodies the power to pass federate laws that have the force of law, within the jurisdiction and in the manner that they determine.”
According to Art. 134: “Laws passed in order to execute Art. 39 determine the judicial force of the rules which the bodies that they create enact in matters which they determine. They can confer to these bodies the power to pass federate laws that have the force of law, within the jurisdiction and in the manner that they determine.”