Coordinated Constitution of Belgium 1994, as amended to 2021
Protection from Violence
  • English
    Each child is entitled to have his or her moral, physical, mental and sexual integrity respected.
    … (Art. 22bis)
  • Dutch
    Elk kind heeft recht op eerbiediging van zijn morele, lichamelijke, geestelijke en seksuele integriteit.
    ... (Art. 22bis)
  • French
    Chaque enfant a droit au respect de son intégrité morale, physique, psychique et sexuelle.
    … (Art. 22bis)
  • German
    Jedes Kind hat ein Recht auf Achtung vor seiner moralischen, körperlichen, geistigen und sexuellen Unversehrtheit.
    … (Art. 22bis)
Links to all sites last visited 1 November 2023
According to Art. 134: “Laws passed in order to execute Art. 39 determine the judicial force of the rules which the bodies that they create enact in matters which they determine. They can confer to these bodies the power to pass federate laws that have the force of law, within the jurisdiction and in the manner that they determine.”
According to Art. 134: “Laws passed in order to execute Art. 39 determine the judicial force of the rules which the bodies that they create enact in matters which they determine. They can confer to these bodies the power to pass federate laws that have the force of law, within the jurisdiction and in the manner that they determine.”
According to Art. 134: “Laws passed in order to execute Art. 39 determine the judicial force of the rules which the bodies that they create enact in matters which they determine. They can confer to these bodies the power to pass federate laws that have the force of law, within the jurisdiction and in the manner that they determine.”