Coordinated Constitution of Belgium 1994, as amended to 2021
Religious Law
  • English

    A civil wedding should always precede the blessing of the marriage, apart from the exceptions to be established by the law if needed. (Art. 21)
  • Dutch

    Het burgerlijk huwelijk moet altijd aan de huwelijksinzegening voorafgaan, behoudens de uitzonderingen door de wet te stellen, indien daartoe redenen zijn. (Art. 21)
  • French

    Le mariage civil devra toujours précéder la bénédiction nuptiale, sauf les exceptions à établir par la loi, s’il y a lieu. (Art. 21)
  • German

    Die zivile Eheschließung muss stets der Einsegnung der Ehe vorangehen, vorbehaltlich der erforderlichenfalls durch Gesetz festzulegenden Ausnahmen. (Art. 21)
Links to all sites last visited 1 November 2023
According to Art. 134: “Laws passed in order to execute Art. 39 determine the judicial force of the rules which the bodies that they create enact in matters which they determine. They can confer to these bodies the power to pass federate laws that have the force of law, within the jurisdiction and in the manner that they determine.”
According to Art. 134: “Laws passed in order to execute Art. 39 determine the judicial force of the rules which the bodies that they create enact in matters which they determine. They can confer to these bodies the power to pass federate laws that have the force of law, within the jurisdiction and in the manner that they determine.”
According to Art. 134: “Laws passed in order to execute Art. 39 determine the judicial force of the rules which the bodies that they create enact in matters which they determine. They can confer to these bodies the power to pass federate laws that have the force of law, within the jurisdiction and in the manner that they determine.”