Coordinated Constitution of Belgium 1994, as amended to 2021
  • English

    The Council of Ministers and the Governments of the Communities and the Regions include both women and men.
    … (Art. 11bis)
  • Dutch

    De Ministerraad en de Gemeenschaps- en Gewestregeringen tellen personen van verschillend geslacht.
    … (Art. 11bis)
  • French

    Le Conseil des ministres et les Gouvernements de communauté et de région comptent des personnes de sexe différent.
    … (Art. 11bis)
  • German

    Dem Ministerrat und den Gemeinschafts- und Regionalregierungen gehören Personen verschiedenen Geschlechts an.
    … (Art. 11bis)
  • English
    The King appoints and dismisses his ministers.
    … (Art. 96)
  • Dutch
    De Koning benoemt en ontslaat zijn ministers.
    … (Art. 96)
  • French
    Le Roi nomme et révoque ses ministers.
    … (Art. 96)
  • German
    Der König ernennt und entlässt seine Minister.
    … (Art. 96)
  • English
    Only Belgians may be ministers. (Art. 97)
  • Dutch
    Alleen Belgen kunnen minister zijn. (Art. 97)
  • French
    Seuls les Belges peuvent être ministres. (Art. 97)
  • German
    Nur Belgier dürfen Minister sein. (Art. 97)
  • English
    No member of the royal family may be a minister. (Art. 98)
  • Dutch
    Geen lid van de koninklijke familie kan minister zijn. (Art. 98)
  • French
    Aucun membre de la famille royale ne peut être ministre. (Art. 98)
  • German
    Kein Mitglied der königlichen Familie darf Minister sein. (Art. 98)
Links to all sites last visited 1 November 2023
According to Art. 134: “Laws passed in order to execute Art. 39 determine the judicial force of the rules which the bodies that they create enact in matters which they determine. They can confer to these bodies the power to pass federate laws that have the force of law, within the jurisdiction and in the manner that they determine.”
According to Art. 134: “Laws passed in order to execute Art. 39 determine the judicial force of the rules which the bodies that they create enact in matters which they determine. They can confer to these bodies the power to pass federate laws that have the force of law, within the jurisdiction and in the manner that they determine.”
According to Art. 134: “Laws passed in order to execute Art. 39 determine the judicial force of the rules which the bodies that they create enact in matters which they determine. They can confer to these bodies the power to pass federate laws that have the force of law, within the jurisdiction and in the manner that they determine.”