Constitution of the Republic of Croatia 1990, as amended to 2014
Citizenship and Nationality
  • English
    Croatian citizenship, and its acquisition and revocation, shall be regulated by law.
    … (Art. 9)
  • Croatian
    Hrvatsko državljanstvo, njegovo stjecanje i prestanak uređuje se zakonom.
    … (Članak 9)
Jurisdiction and Access
  • English

    If the President of the Republic holds that a promulgated law does not conform with the Constitution, he/she may institute proceedings to review the constitutionality of such law before the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Croatia. (Art. 89)
  • Croatian

    Ako Predsjednik Republike smatra da proglašeni zakon nije u skladu s Ustavom može pokrenuti postupak za ocjenu ustavnosti zakona pred Ustavnim sudom Republike Hrvatske. (Članak 89)
Jurisdiction and Access
  • English
    The Constitutional Court of the Republic of Croatia:
    - shall decide on the compliance of laws with the Constitution;
    - shall decide on the compliance of other regulations with the Constitution and laws;
    - may decide on the constitutionality of laws and the constitutionality and legality of other regulations which are no longer valid, provided that less than one year has elapsed from the moment of such cessation until the filing of a request or a proposal to institute proceedings;
    - shall decide on constitutional complaints against individual decisions taken by state bodies, bodies of local and regional self-government and legal persons vested with public authority where such decisions violate human rights and fundamental freedoms, as well as the right to local and regional self-government guaranteed by the Constitution of the Republic of Croatia;
    - shall monitor compliance with the Constitution and laws and shall report to the Croatian Parliament on detected violations thereof
    - shall decide on jurisdictional disputes between the legislative, executive, and judicial branches;
    - shall decide, in conformity with the Constitution, on the impeachment of the President of the Republic;
    - shall monitor compliance of the platforms and activities of political parties with the Constitution and may, in compliance with the Constitution, ban non-compliant parties;
    - shall monitor whether elections and referenda are conducted in compliance with the Constitution and laws and shall resolve electoral disputes falling outside the jurisdiction of the courts;
    - shall perform other duties specified by the Constitution. (Art. 125)
  • Croatian
    Ustavni sud Republike Hrvatske:
    - odlučuje o suglasnosti zakona s Ustavom;
    - odlučuje o suglasnosti drugih propisa s Ustavom i zakonom;
    - može ocjenjivati ustavnost zakona te ustavnost i zakonitost drugih propisa koji su prestali važiti ako od tog prestanka do podnošenja zahtjeva ili prijedloga za pokretanje postupka nije prošlo više od godine dana,
    - odlučuje povodom ustavnih tužbi protiv pojedinačnih odluka državnih tijela, tijela jedinica lokalne i područne (regionalne) samouprave te pravnih osoba s javnim ovlastima kad su tim odlukama povrijeđena ljudska prava i temeljne slobode, kao i pravo na lokalnu i područnu (regionalnu) samoupravu zajamčeni Ustavom Republike Hrvatske,
    - prati ostvarivanje ustavnosti i zakonitosti te o uočenim pojavama neustavnosti I nezakonitosti izvješćuje Hrvatski sabor
    - rješava sukob nadležnosti između tijela zakonodavne, izvršne i sudbene vlasti;
    - odlučuje, u skladu s Ustavom, o odgovornosti predsjednika Republike;
    - nadzire ustavnost programa I djelovanja političkih stranaka i može, u skladu s Ustavom, zabraniti njihov rad;
    - nadzire ustavnost i zakonitost izbora i državnog referenduma i rješava izborne sporove koji nisu u djelokrugu sudova;
    - obavlja druge poslove određene Ustavom. (Članak 125)
Jurisdiction and Access
  • English
    The procedure and conditions for the appointment of justices of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Croatia and the termination of their office, the conditions and time limits for instituting proceedings for the assessment of constitutionality and legality, the procedure and legal effects of its decisions, the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution, and other issues vital to the performance of the duties and work of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Croatia shall be regulated by a constitutional act.
    Such constitutional act shall be adopted in accordance with the procedure determined for amending the Constitution.
    … (Art. 127)
  • Croatian
    Postupak i uvjeti za izbor sudaca Ustavnog suda Republike Hrvatske i prestanak njihove dužnosti, uvjeti i rokovi za pokretanje postupka ocjene ustavnosti i zakonitosti, postupak i pravno djelovanje njegovih odluka, zaštita ljudskih prava i temeljnih sloboda zajamčenih Ustavom i druga pitanja važna za izvršavanje dužnosti i rad Ustavnog suda Republike Hrvatske uređuju se ustavnim zakonom.
    Ustavni zakon donosi se po postupku određenome za promjenu Ustava.
    … (Članak 127)
  • English
    Parents shall bear responsibility for the upbringing, support and education of their children, and they shall have the right and freedom to make independent decisions concerning the upbringing of their children.
    … (Art. 63)
  • Croatian
    Roditelji su dužni odgajati, uzdržavati i školovati djecu te imaju pravo i slobodu da samostalno odlučuju o odgoju djece.
    … (Članak 63)
  • English
    In the Republic of Croatia, everyone shall have access to education under equal conditions and in accordance with his/her aptitudes.
    Compulsory education shall be free, in accordance with law. (Art. 65)
  • Croatian
    Obrazovanje je u Republici Hrvatskoj svakomu dostupno, pod jednakim uvjetima, u skladu s njegovim sposobnostima.
    Obvezno obrazovanje je besplatno u skladu sa zakonom. (Članak 65)
Employment Rights and Protection
  • English
    Everyone shall have the right to work and to freedom of work.
    Everyone shall be free to choose his/her vocation and occupation, and shall have access to each workplace and post under equal conditions. (Art. 54)
  • Croatian
    Svatko ima pravo na rad i slobodu rada.
    Svatko slobodno bira poziv i zaposlenje i svakomu je pod jednakim uvjetima dostupno svako radno mjesto i dužnost. (Članak 54)
Employment Rights and Protection
  • English
    Each employee shall be entitled to remuneration enabling him/her to ensure a free and decent life for himself/herself and his/her family.
    Maximum working hours shall be regulated by law.
    Each employee shall be entitled to a weekly rest period and paid annual leave, and may not waive these rights.
    Employees may, in accordance with law, participate in decision-making in their places of employment. (Art. 55)
  • Croatian
    Svaki zaposleni ima pravo na zaradu kojom može osigurati sebi i obitelji slobodan i dostojan život.
    Najduže radno vrijeme određuje se zakonom.
    Svaki zaposleni ima pravo na tjedni odmor i plaćeni godišnji odmor i ovih se prava ne može odreći.
    Zaposleni mogu imati, u skladu sa zakonom, udjela pri odlučivanju u poduzeću. (Članak 55)
Employment Rights and Protection
  • English
    The right of employees and their family members to social security and social insurance shall be regulated by law and collective agreements.
    Rights related to childbirth, maternity and child care shall be regulated by law. (Art. 56)
  • Croatian
    Pravo zaposlenih i članova njihovih obitelji na socijalnu sigurnost i socijalno osiguranje ureduje se zakonom i kolektivnim ugovorom.
    Prava u svezi s porođajem, materinstvom i njegom djece uređuju se zakonom. (Članak 56)
Employment Rights and Protection
  • English

    Young people, mothers and persons with disabilities shall be entitled to special protection at work. (Art. 64)
  • Croatian

    Mladež, majke i osobe s invaliditetom imaju pravo na osobitu zaštitu na radu. (Članak 64)
Equality and Non-Discrimination
  • English

    Respecting the will of the Croatian nation and all citizens so unwaveringly expressed in free elections, the Republic of Croatia is hereby established and shall further develop as a sovereign and democratic state in which equality, freedoms and human and citizen rights are guaranteed and secured, and economic and cultural advancement and social welfare are promoted. (I. Historical Foundations)
  • Croatian

    Poštujući na slobodnim izborima odlučno izraženu volju hrvatskoga naroda i svih građana, Republika Hrvatska oblikuje se i razvija kao suverena i demokratska država u kojoj se jamče i osiguravaju ravnopravnost, slobode i prava čovjeka i državljanina, te promiče njihov gospodarski i kulturni napredak i socijalno blagostanje. (I. Izvorišne Osnove)
Equality and Non-Discrimination
  • English

    Power in the Republic of Croatia derives from the people and belongs to the people as a community of free and equal citizens.
    … (Art. 1)
  • Croatian

    U Republici Hrvatskoj vlast proizlazi iz naroda i pripada narodu kao zajednici slobodnih i ravnopravnih državljana.
    … (Članak 1)
Equality and Non-Discrimination
  • English
    Freedom, equal rights, national equality and equality of sexes, peace-making, social justice, respect for human rights, inviolability of ownership, conservation of nature and the environment, the rule of law and a democratic multiparty system are the highest values of the constitutional order of the Republic of Croatia and the basis for interpreting the Constitution. (Art. 3)
  • Croatian
    Sloboda, jednakost, nacionalna ravnopravnost i ravnopravnost spolova, mirotvorstvo, socijalna pravda, poštivanje prava čovjeka, nepovredivost vlasništva, očuvanje prirode i čovjekova okoliša, vladavina prava i demokratski višestranački sustav najviše su vrednote ustavnog poretka Republike Hrvatske i temelj za tumačenje Ustava. (Članak 3)
Equality and Non-Discrimination
  • English
    All persons in the Republic of Croatia shall enjoy rights and freedoms, regardless of race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth, education, social status or other status.
    All persons shall be equal before the law. (Art. 14)
  • Croatian
    Svatko u Republici Hrvatskoj ima prava i slobode, neovisno o njegovoj rasi, boji kože, spolu, jeziku, vjeri, političkom ili drugom uvjerenju, nacionalnom ili socijalnom podrijetlu, imovini, rođenju, naobrazbi, društvenom položaju ili drugim osobinama.
    Svi su pred zakonom jednaki. (Članak 14)
Equality and Non-Discrimination
  • English
    All citizens of the Republic of Croatia and aliens shall be equal before the courts, state bodies and other bodies vested with pubic authority. (Art. 26)
  • Croatian
    Svi su državljani Republike Hrvatske i stranci jednaki pred sudovima i drugim državnim I inim tijelima koja imaju javne ovlasti. (Članak 26)
Equality and Non-Discrimination
  • English
    The Supreme Court of the Republic of Croatia, as the highest court of law, shall ensure the uniform application of laws and equality of all before the law.
    … (Art. 116)
  • Croatian
    Vrhovni sud Republike Hrvatske, kao najviši sud, osigurava jedinstvenu primjenu prava i ravnopravnost svih u njegovoj primjeni.
    … (Članak 116)
Obligations of the State
  • English

    Respecting the will of the Croatian nation and all citizens so unwaveringly expressed in free elections, the Republic of Croatia is hereby established and shall further develop as a sovereign and democratic state in which equality, freedoms and human and citizen rights are guaranteed and secured, and economic and cultural advancement and social welfare are promoted. (I. Historical Foundations)
  • Croatian

    Poštujući na slobodnim izborima odlučno izraženu volju hrvatskoga naroda i svih gradana, Republika Hrvatska oblikuje se i razvija kao suverena i demokratska država u kojoj se jamče i osiguravaju ravnopravnost, slobode i prava covjeka i državljanina, te promiče njihov gospodarski i kulturni napredak i socijalno blagostanje. (I. Izvorišne Osnove)
Obligations of the State
  • English
    Freedom, equal rights, national equality and equality of sexes, peace-making, social justice, respect for human rights, inviolability of ownership, conservation of nature and the environment, the rule of law and a democratic multiparty system are the highest values of the constitutional order of the Republic of Croatia and the basis for interpreting the Constitution. (Art. 3)
  • Croatian
    Sloboda, jednakost, nacionalna ravnopravnost i ravnopravnost spolova, mirotvorstvo, socijalna pravda, poštivanje prava čovjeka, nepovredivost vlasništva, očuvanje prirode i čovjekova okoliša, vladavina prava i demokratski višestranački sustav najviše su vrednote ustavnog poretka Republike Hrvatske i temelj za tumačenje Ustava. (Članak 3)
Obligations of the State
  • English
    All persons in the Republic of Croatia shall enjoy rights and freedoms, regardless of race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth, education, social status or other status.
    … (Art. 14)
  • Croatian
    Svatko u Republici Hrvatskoj ima prava i slobode, neovisno o njegovoj rasi, boji kože, spolu, jeziku, vjeri, političkom ili drugom uvjerenju, nacionalnom ili socijalnom podrijetlu, imovini, rođenju, naobrazbi, društvenom položaju ili drugim osobinama.
    … (Članak 14)
Obligations of the State
  • English
    Whosoever violates the provisions of the Constitution concerning human rights and fundamental freedoms shall be held personally liable and may not be exculpated by invoking a higher order. (Art. 20)
  • Croatian
    Tko se ogriješi o odredbe ovoga Ustava o temeljnim slobodama i pravima čovjeka i građanina, osobno je odgovoran i ne može se opravdati višim nalogom. (Članak 20)
Obligations of the State
  • English

    The Croatian Parliament shall adopt laws (organic laws) elaborating constitutionally established human rights and fundamental freedoms, the electoral system, the organisation, remit and operation of state bodies, and the organisation and remit of local and regional selfgovernment by a majority vote of all Members.
    … (Art. 83)
  • Croatian

    Zakone (organski zakoni) kojima se razrađuju Ustavom utvrđene ljudska prava i temeljene slobode, izborni sustav, ustrojstvo, djelokrug i način rada državnih tijela te ustrojstvo i djelokrug lokalne i područne (regionalne) samouprave Hrvatski sabor donosi većinom glasova svih zastupnika.
    … (Članak 83)
Obligations of the State
  • English
    The Croatian Parliament may, for a maximum period of one year, authorise the Government of the Republic of Croatia to regulate by decree individual issues falling within the remit of Parliament, save for those pertaining to the elaboration of constitutionally established human rights and fundamental freedoms,
    … (Art. 88)
  • Croatian
    Hrvatski sabor može, najviše na vrijeme od godinu dana, ovlastiti Vladu Republike Hrvatske da uredbama uređuje pojedina pitanja iz njegova djelokruga, osim onih koja se odnose na razradu Ustavom utvrđenih ljudskih prava i temeljnih sloboda,
    … (Članak 88)
Obligations of Private Parties
  • English
    Whosoever violates the provisions of the Constitution concerning human rights and fundamental freedoms shall be held personally liable and may not be exculpated by invoking a higher order. (Art. 20)
  • Croatian
    Tko se ogriješi o odredbe ovoga Ustava o temeljnim slobodama i pravima čovjeka I građanina, osobno je odgovoran i ne može se opravdati višim nalogom. (Članak 20)
Judicial Protection
  • English
    Individual acts of state administration and bodies vested with public authority shall be grounded in law.
    Judicial review of individual acts made by administrative authorities and other bodies vested with public authority shall be guaranteed. (Art. 19)
  • Croatian
    Pojedinačni akti državne uprave i tijela koja imaju javne ovlasti moraju biti utemeljeni na zakonu.
    Zajamčuje se sudska kontrola zakonitosti pojedinačnih akata upravnih vlasti i tijela koja imaju javne ovlasti. (Članak 19)
Judicial Protection
  • English
    The Constitutional Court of the Republic of Croatia:

    - shall decide on constitutional complaints against individual decisions taken by state bodies, bodies of local and regional self-government and legal persons vested with public authority where such decisions violate human rights and fundamental freedoms, as well as the right to local and regional self-government guaranteed by the Constitution of the Republic of Croatia;
    … (Art. 125)
  • Croatian
    Ustavni sud Republike Hrvatske:

    - odlučuje povodom ustavnih tužbi protiv pojedinačnih odluka državnih tijela, tijela jedinica lokalne i područne (regionalne) samouprave te pravnih osoba s javnim ovlastima kad su tim odlukama povrijeđena ljudska prava i temeljne slobode, kao i pravo na lokalnu i područnu (regionalnu) samoupravu zajamčeni Ustavom Republike Hrvatske,
    … (Članak 125)
National Human Rights Bodies
  • English
    The Ombudsman shall be a commissioner of the Croatian Parliament responsible for the promotion and protection of human rights and freedoms enshrined in the Constitution, laws and international legal instruments on human rights and freedoms ratified by the Republic of Croatia.
    Everyone may lodge a complaint to the Ombudsman if he/she deems that his/her constitutional or legal rights have been threatened or violated as a result of any illegal or irregular act by state bodies, local and regional self-government bodies and bodies vested with public authority.
    The Croatian Parliament shall elect the Ombudsman for a term of eight years. The Ombudsman shall be autonomous and independent in his/her work.
    Conditions for the election and dismissal of the Ombudsman and his/her deputies, his/her remit, and the method of his/her work shall be regulated by law. By law, the Ombudsman may also be vested with certain powers with regard to legal and natural persons in order to protect fundamental constitutional rights.
    The Ombudsman and other commissioners of the Croatian Parliament responsible for the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms shall enjoy the same immunity as Members of the Croatian Parliament. (Art. 93)
  • Croatian
    Pučki je pravobranitelj opunomoćenik Hrvatskoga sabora za promicanje i zaštitu ljudskih prava i sloboda utvrđenih Ustavom, zakonima i međunarodnim pravnim aktima o ljudskim pravima i slobodama koje je prihvatila Republika Hrvatska.
    Svatko može podnijeti pritužbu pučkom pravobranitelju ako smatra da su, uslijed nezakonitog ili nepravilnog rada državnih tijela, tijela lokalne i područne (regionalne) samouprave i tijela s javnim ovlastima, ugrožena ili povrijeđena njegova ustavna ili zakonska prava.
    Pučkog pravobranitelja bira Hrvatski sabor na vrijeme od osam godina. Pučki pravobranitelj samostalan je i neovisan u svom radu.
    Uvjeti za izbor i razrješenje pučkog pravobranitelja i njegovih zamjenika, djelokrug i način rada uređuju se zakonom. Zakonom se, radi zaštite temeljnih ustavnih prava, pučkom pravobranitelju mogu povjeriti i određene ovlasti u odnosu na pravne i fizičke osobe.
    Pučki pravobranitelj i ostali opunomoćenici Hrvatskoga sabora za promicanje i zaštitu ljudskih prava i temeljnih sloboda imaju imunitet kao i zastupnici u Hrvatskom saboru. (Članak 93)
Limitations and/or Derogations
  • English
    Freedoms and rights may only be restricted by law in order to protect the freedoms and rights of others, the legal order, and public morals and health.
    Any restriction of freedoms or rights shall be proportionate to the nature of the need for such restriction in each individual case. (Art. 16)
  • Croatian
    Slobode i prava mogu se ograničiti samo zakonom da bi se zaštitila sloboda i prava drugih ljudi te pravni poredak, javni moral i zdravlje.
    Svako ograničenje slobode ili prava mora biti razmjerno naravi potrebe za ograničenjem u svakom pojedinom slučaju. (Članak 16)
Limitations and/or Derogations
  • English
    Individual constitutionally guaranteed freedoms and rights may be restricted during a state of war or any clear and present danger to the independence and unity of the Republic of Croatia or in the event of any natural disaster. Such restriction shall be decided upon by the Croatian Parliament by a two-thirds majority of all Members of Parliament or, if the Croatian Parliament is unable to convene, at the proposal of the Government and with the countersignature of the Prime Minister, by the President of the Republic.
    The extent of such restrictions must be appropriate to the nature of the threat, and may not result in the inequality of citizens with respect to race, colour, sex, language, religion, or national or social origin.
    Even in cases of clear and present danger to the existence of the state, no restrictions may be imposed upon the provisions of this Constitution stipulating the right to life, prohibition of torture, cruel or degrading treatment or punishment, and concerning the legal definitions of criminal offences and punishment, and the freedom of thought, conscience and religion. (Art. 17)
  • Croatian
    U doba ratnog stanja ili neposredne ugroženosti neovisnosti i jedinstvenosti države, te velikih prirodnih nepogoda pojedine slobode i prava zajamčena Ustavom mogu se ograničiti. O tome odlučuje Hrvatski sabor dvotrećinskom većinom svih zastupnika, a ako se Hrvatski sabor ne može sastati, na prijedlog Vlade i uz supotpis predsjednika Vlade, Predsjednik Republike.
    Opseg ograničenja mora biti primjeren naravi pogibelji, a za posljedicu ne može imati nejednakost osoba s obzirom na rasu, boju kože, spol, jezik, vjeru, nacionalno ili socijalno podrijetlo.
    Niti u slučaju neposredne opasnosti za opstanak države ne može se ograničiti primjena odredbi ovoga Ustava o pravu na život, zabrani mučenja, surovog ili ponižavajućeg postupanja ili kažnjavanja, o pravnoj određenosti kažnjivih djela i kazni, te o slobodi misli, savjesti i vjeroispovijedi. (Članak 17)
Limitations and/or Derogations
  • English
    The Croatian Parliament may, for a maximum period of one year, authorise the Government of the Republic of Croatia to regulate by decree individual issues falling within the remit of Parliament, save for those pertaining to the elaboration of constitutionally established human rights and fundamental freedoms,
    … (Art. 88)
  • Croatian
    Hrvatski sabor može, najviše na vrijeme od godinu dana, ovlastiti Vladu Republike Hrvatske da uredbama uređuje pojedina pitanja iz njegova djelokruga, osim onih koja se odnose na razradu Ustavom utvrđenih ljudskih prava i temeljnih sloboda,
    … (Članak 88)
Marriage and Family Life
  • English
    Respect for and legal protection of each person’s private and family life, dignity, reputation shall be guaranteed. (Art. 35)
  • Croatian
    Svakomu se jamči štovanje i pravna zaštita njegova osobnog i obiteljskog života, dostojanstva, ugleda i časti. (Članak 35)
Marriage and Family Life
  • English
    The right of employees and their family members to social security and social insurance shall be regulated by law and collective agreements.
    Rights related to childbirth, maternity and child care shall be regulated by law. (Art. 56)
  • Croatian
    Pravo zaposlenih i članova njihovih obitelji na socijalnu sigurnost i socijalno osiguranje ureduje se zakonom i kolektivnim ugovorom.
    Prava u svezi s porođajem, materinstvom i njegom djece uređuju se zakonom. (Članak 56)
Marriage and Family Life
  • English
    The family shall enjoy special protection of the state.
    Marriage is a living union between a woman and a man.
    Marriage and legal relations in marriage, common-law marriage and the family shall be regulated by law. (Art. 61)
  • Croatian
    Obitelj je pod osobitom zaštitom države.
    Brak je životna zajednica žene i muškarca.
    Brak i pravni odnosi u braku, izvanbračnoj zajednici i obitelji uređuju se zakonom. (Članak 61)
Marriage and Family Life
  • English
    The state shall protect maternity, children and young people,
    … (Art. 62)
  • Croatian
    Država štiti materinstvo, djecu i mladež
    … (Članak 62)
Marriage and Family Life
  • English
    Parents shall bear responsibility for the upbringing, support and education of their children, and they shall have the right and freedom to make independent decisions concerning the upbringing of their children.
    Parents shall be responsible for ensuring the right of their children to the full and harmonious development of their personalities.

    Children shall be obliged to take care of their elderly and infirm parents.
    … (Art. 63)
  • Croatian
    Roditelji su dužni odgajati, uzdržavati i školovati djecu te imaju pravo i slobodu da samostalno odlučuju o odgoju djece.
    Roditelji su odgovorni osigurati pravo djetetu na potpun i skladan razvoj njegove osobnosti.

    Djeca su dužna brinuti se za stare i nemoćne roditelje.
    … (Članak 63)
  • English

    Setting forth from these historical facts and the universally accepted principles governing the contemporary world and the inalienable and indivisible, non-transferable and perpetual right of the Croatian nation to self-determination and state sovereignty, including the inviolable right to secession and association as the fundamental conditions for peace and stability of the international order, the Republic of Croatia is hereby established as the nation state of the Croatian nation and the state of the members of its national minorities: Serbs, Czechs, Slovaks, Italians, Hungarians, Jews, Germans, Austrians, Ukrainians, Rusyns, Bosniaks, Slovenians, Montenegrins, Macedonians, Russians, Bulgarians, Poles, Roma, Romanians, Turks, Vlachs, Albanians and others who are its citizens and who are guaranteed equality with citizens of Croatian nationality and the exercise of their national rights in accordance with the democratic norms of the United Nations and the countries of the free world.
    … (I. Historical Foundations)
  • Croatian

    Polazeći od iznesenih povijesnih činjenica, te općeprihvaćenih načela u suvremenu svijetu i neotuđivosti i nedjeljivosti, neprenosivosti i nepotrošivosti prava na samoodređenje i državnu suverenost hrvatskog naroda, uključujući i neokrnjeno pravo na odcjepljenje i udruživanje, kao osnovnih preduvjeta za mir i stabilnost međunarodnog poretka Republika Hrvatska ustanovljuje se kao nacionalna država hrvatskoga naroda i država pripadnika nacionalnih manjina: Srba, Čeha, Slovaka, Talijana, Mađara, Židova, Nijemaca, Austrijanaca, Ukrajinaca, Rusina, Bošnjaka, Slovenaca, Crnogoraca, Makedonaca, Rusa, Bugara, Poljaka, Roma, Rumunja, Turaka, Vlaha, Albanaca i drugih, koji su njezini državljani, kojima se jamči ravnopravnost s građanima hrvatske narodnosti i ostvarivanje nacionalnih prava u skladu s demokratskim normama OUN-a i zemalja slobodnoga svijeta.
    … (I. Izvorišne osnove)
  • English
    Equal rights for the members of all national minorities in the Republic of Croatia shall be guaranteed.
    Equality and protection of the rights of national minorities shall be regulated by a constitutional act to be enacted under the procedure stipulated for organic laws.Over and above general suffrage, the right of the members of national minorities to elect their representatives to the Croatian Parliament may be stipulated by law. The freedom of the members of all national minorities to express their national affiliation, to use their language and script, and to exercise cultural autonomy shall be guaranteed. (Art. 15)
  • Croatian
    U Republici Hrvatskoj jamči se ravnopravnost pripadnicima svih nacionalnih manjina.
    Ravnopravnost i zaštita prava nacionalnih manjina uređuje se ustavnim zakonom koji se donosi po postupku za donošenje organskih zakona.
    Zakonom se može, pored općega biračkog prava, pripadnicima nacionalnih manjina osigurati posebno pravo da biraju svoje zastupnike u Hrvatski sabor.
    Pripadnicima svih nacionalnih manjina jamči se sloboda izražavanja nacionalne pripadnosti, slobodno služenje svojim jezikom i pismom i kulturna autonomija. (Članak 15)
  • English
    The Croatian Parliament shall adopt laws (organic laws) regulating the rights of national minorities by a two-thirds majority of all Members.
    … (Art. 83)
  • Croatian
    Zakone (organski zakoni) kojima se uređuju prava nacionalnih manjina Hrvatski sabor donosi dvotrećinskom većinom glasova svih zastupnika.
    … (Članak 83)
Participation in Public Life and Institutions
  • English
    Every citizen of the Republic of Croatia shall have the right, under equal conditions, to participate in the conduct of public affairs, and to have access to public services. (Art. 44)
  • Croatian
    Svaki državljanin Republike Hrvatske ima pravo, pod jednakim uvjetima, sudjelovati u obavljanju javnih poslova i biti primljen u javne službe. (Članak 44)
Political Rights and Association
  • English

    Power in the Republic of Croatia derives from the people and belongs to the people as a community of free and equal citizens.
    The people exercise the power through the election of representatives and through direct decision-making. (Art. 1)
  • Croatian

    U Republici Hrvatskoj vlast proizlazi iz naroda i pripada narodu kao zajednici slobodnih i ravnopravnih državljana.
    Narod ostvaruje vlast izborom svojih predstavnika i neposrednim odlučivanjem. (Članak 1)
Political Rights and Association
  • English

    Everyone shall be guaranteed the right to freedom of association for the purposes of the protection of common interests or the promotion of social, economic, political, national, cultural and other convictions and aims.
    … (Art. 43)

  • Croatian

    Svakom se jamči pravo na slobodno udruživanje radi zaštite njihovih probitaka ili zauzimanja za socijalna, gospodarska, politička, nacionalna, kulturna ili druga uvjerenja i ciljeve.
    … (Članak 43)

Political Rights and Association
  • English
    All Croatian citizens who have reached the age of eighteen years (voters) shall be entitled to universal and equal suffrage in elections for the Croatian Parliament, the President of the Republic of Croatia and the European Parliament and in decision-making procedures by national referendum, in compliance with law.
    … (Art. 45)
  • Croatian
    Hrvatski državljani s navršenih 18 godina (birači) imaju opće i jednako biračko pravo u izborima za Hrvatski sabor, Predsjednika Republike Hrvatske i Europski parlament te u postupku odlučivanja na državnom referendumu, u skladu sa zakonom.
    … (Članak 45)
Political Parties
  • English
    The right to establish political parties shall be unrestricted.
    The internal structure of political parties shall comply with fundamental constitutional democratic principles.
    Political parties shall publicly disclose the sources of their finances and assets.
    Political parties which, in their platforms or by violent action, intend to undermine the free democratic order or threaten the existence of the Republic of Croatia shall be deemed unconstitutional. The Constitutional Court of the Republic of Croatia shall decide on such unconstitutionality.
    The status and financing of political parties shall be regulated by law. (Art. 6)
  • Croatian
    Osnivanje političkih stranaka je slobodno.
    Unutarnje ustrojstvo političkih stranaka mora biti sukladno temeljnim ustavnim demokratskim načelima.
    Stranke moraju javno polagati račun o porijeklu svojih sredstava i imovine.
    Protuustavne su političke stranke koje svojim programom ili nasilnim djelovanjem smjeraju podrivanju slobodnoga demokratskog poretka ili ugrožavaju opstojnost Republike Hrvatske. O protuustavnosti odlučuje Ustavni sud Republike Hrvatske.
    Zakonom se uređuje položaj i financiranje političkih stranaka. (Članak 6)
Head of State
  • English
    The President of the Republic of Croatia shall represent and act on behalf of the Republic of Croatia at home and abroad.
    … (Art. 94)
  • Croatian
    Predsjednik Republike Hrvatske predstavlja i zastupa Republiku Hrvatsku u zemlji i inozemstvu.
    … (Članak 94)
Head of State
  • English
    The President of the Republic shall be elected directly by secret ballot, on the basis of universal and equal suffrage, for a term of five years.
    … (Art. 95)
  • Croatian
    Predsjednik Republike bira se na temelju općeg i jednakog biračkog prava na neposrednim izborima tajnim glasovanjem na vrijeme od pet godina.
    … (Članak 95)
  • English
    The Government of the Republic of Croatia shall exercise executive power in compliance with the Constitution and law. (Art. 107)
  • Croatian
    Vlada Republike Hrvatske obavlja izvršnu vlast u skladu s Ustavom i zakonom. (Članak 107)
  • English
    The Government of the Republic of Croatia shall consist of a Prime Minister, one or more Deputy Prime Ministers, and Ministers.
    … (Art. 108)
  • Croatian
    Vladu Republike Hrvatske čine predsjednik, jedan ili više potpredsjednika i ministri.
    … (Članak 108)
  • English
    Members of the Government shall be proposed by the person to whom the President of the Republic has entrusted the mandate to form a Government.
    Immediately upon forming the Government, or 30 days after accepting the mandate at the latest, the Prime Minister-Designate shall present the Government and its policies to the Croatian Parliament and seek a vote of confidence.
    The Government shall assume office when a vote of confidence is passed by a majority of all Members of the Croatian Parliament.
    … (Art. 109)
  • Croatian
    Članove Vlade predlaže osoba kojoj je Predsjednik Republike povjerio mandat za sastav Vlade.
    Odmah po sastavljanju Vlade, a najkasnije u roku od 30 dana od prihvaćanja mandata, mandatar je dužan program Vlade i Vladu predstaviti Hrvatskom saboru i zatražiti glasovanje o povjerenju.
    Vlada stupa na dužnost kad joj povjerenje iskaže većina svih zastupnika u Hrvatskom saboru.
    … (Članak 109)
  • English
    The Croatian Parliament shall be a representative body of the people and shall be vested with legislative power in the Republic of Croatia. (Art. 70)
  • Croatian
    Hrvatski sabor je predstavničko tijelo građana i nositelj zakonodavne vlasti u Republici Hrvatskoj. (Članak 70)
  • English
    The Croatian Parliament shall have no fewer than 100 and no more than 160 Members elected on the basis of direct, universal and equal suffrage by secret ballot. (Art. 71)
  • Croatian
    Hrvatski sabor ima najmanje 100, a najviše 160 zastupnika koji se, na temelju općeg i jednakoga biračkog prava, biraju neposredno tajnim glasovanjem. (Članak 71)
  • English

    The number of Members of the Croatian Parliament and the conditions and procedure for their election thereto shall be regulated by law. (Art. 72)
  • Croatian

    Zakonom se određuje broj, uvjeti i postupak izbora zastupnika u Hrvatski sabor. (Članak 72)
Property, Inheritance and Land Tenure
  • English
    The right of ownership shall be guaranteed.

    The right of inheritance shall be guaranteed. (Art. 48)
  • Croatian
    Jamči se pravo vlasništva.

    Jamči se pravo nasljeđivanja. (Članak 48)
Protection from Violence
  • English

    Political parties which, in their platforms or by violent action, intend to undermine the free democratic order or threaten the existence of the Republic of Croatia shall be deemed unconstitutional.
    … (Art. 6)
  • Croatian

    Protuustavne su političke stranke koje svojim programom ili nasilnim djelovanjem smjeraju podrivanju slobodnoga demokratskog poretka ili ugrožavaju opstojnost Republike Hrvatske.
    … (Članak 6)
Protection from Violence
  • English
    No one may be subjected to any form of ill-treatment or, without his/her consent, to medical or scientific experiments.
    Forced and compulsory labour shall be forbidden. (Art. 23)
  • Croatian
    Nitko ne smije biti podvrgnut bilo kakvu obliku zlostavljanja ili, bez svoje privole, liječničkim ili znanstvenim pokusima.
    Zabranjen je prisilni i obvezatni rad. (Članak 23)
Protection from Violence
  • English
    Any call for or incitement to war or use of violence, to national, racial or religious hatred, or any form of intolerance shall be prohibited and punishable by law. (Art. 39)
  • Croatian
    Zabranjeno je i kažnjivo svako pozivanje ili poticanje na rat ili uporabu nasilja, na nacionalnu, rasnu ili vjersku mržnju ili bilo koji oblik nesnošljivosti. (Članak 39)
Protection from Violence
  • English

    Children shall not be employed before reaching the age specified by law, nor shall they be forced or allowed to do any work that is harmful to their health or morality.
    … (Art. 64)
  • Croatian

    Djeca ne mogu biti primljena na rad prije zakonom određene dobi niti smiju biti prisiljavana na rad koji štetno utječe na njihovo zdravlje ili ćudoređe, niti im se takav rad smije dopustiti.
    … (Članak 64)
Public Institutions and Services
  • English
    The state shall ensure the right to assistance for weak, infirm or other persons unable to meet their basic subsistence needs as a result of their unemployment or incapacity for work.
    The state shall devote special care to the protection of persons with disabilities and their inclusion in social life.
    The state shall devote special care to the protection of Croatian war veterans and disabled Croatian war veterans, as well as the widows, parents and children of fallen Croatian war veterans.
    … (Art. 57)
  • Croatian
    Slabim, nemoćnima i drugim, zbog nezaposlenosti ili nesposobnosti za rad, nezbrinutim osobama država osigurava pravo na pomoć za podmirenje osnovnih životnih potreba.
    Posebnu skrb država posvećuje zaštiti osoba s invaliditetom i njihovu uključivanju u društveni život.
    Posebnu skrb država posvećuje zaštiti hrvatskih branitelja, hrvatskih ratnih vojnih invalida, udovica, roditelja i djece poginulih hrvatskih branitelja.
    … (Članak 57)
Public Institutions and Services
  • English
    The family shall enjoy special protection of the state.
    … (Art. 61)
  • Croatian
    Obitelj je pod osobitom zaštitom države.
    … (Članak 61)
Public Institutions and Services
  • English
    The state shall protect maternity, children and young people, and shall create social, cultural, educational, material and other conditions promoting the exercise of the right to a decent life. (Art. 62)
  • Croatian
    Država štiti materinstvo, djecu i mladež te stvara socijalne, kulturne, odgojne, materijalne i druge uvjete kojima se promice ostvarivanje prava na dostojan život. (Članak 62)
Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
  • English

    Marriage is a living union between a woman and a man.
    … (Art. 61)
  • Croatian

    Brak je životna zajednica žene i muškarca.
    … (Članak 61)
Status of the Constitution
  • English
    In the Republic of Croatia, laws shall comply with the Constitution. Other regulations shall comply with the Constitution and law.
    All persons shall be obliged to abide by the Constitution and law and respect the legal order of the Republic of Croatia. (Art. 5)
  • Croatian
    U Republici Hrvatskoj zakoni moraju biti u suglasnosti s Ustavom, a ostali propisi i s Ustavom i sa zakonom.
    Svatko je dužan držati se Ustava i prava i poštivati pravni poredak Republike Hrvatske. (Članak 5)
Status of the Constitution
  • English

    Courts shall administer justice according to the Constitution, law, international treaties and other valid sources of law. (Art. 115)
  • Croatian

    Sudovi sude na temelju Ustava, zakona, medunarodnih ugovora i drugih važećih izvora prava. (Članak 115)
Status of International Law
  • English
    The Ombudsman shall be a commissioner of the Croatian Parliament responsible for the promotion and protection of human rights and freedoms enshrined in the Constitution, laws and international legal instruments on human rights and freedoms ratified by the Republic of Croatia.
    … (Art. 93)
  • Croatian
    Pučki je pravobranitelj opunomoćenik Hrvatskoga sabora za promicanje i zaštitu ljudskih prava i sloboda utvrđenih Ustavom, zakonima i međunarodnim pravnim aktima o ljudskim pravima i slobodama koje je prihvatila Republika Hrvatska.
    … (Članak 93)
Status of International Law
  • English

    Courts shall administer justice according to the Constitution, law, international treaties and other valid sources of law. (Art. 115)
  • Croatian

    Sudovi sude na temelju Ustava, zakona, medunarodnih ugovora i drugih važećih izvora prava. (Članak 115)
Status of International Law
  • English
    International treaties which have been concluded and ratified in accordance with the Constitution, which have been published and which have entered into force shall be a component of the domestic legal order of the Republic of Croatia and shall have primacy over domestic law. Their provisions may be altered or repealed only under the conditions and in the manner specified therein or in accordance with the general rules of international law. (Art. 134)
  • Croatian
    Međunarodni ugovori koji su sklopljeni i potvrđeni u skladu s Ustavom i objavljeni, a koji su na snazi, čine dio unutarnjega pravnog poretka Republike Hrvatske, a po pravnoj su snazi iznad zakona. Njihove se odredbe mogu mijenjati ili ukidati samo uz uvjete i na način koji su u njima utvrđeni, ili suglasno općim pravilima međunarodnog prava. (Članak 134)
Status of International Law
  • English
    Pursuant to Article 141 of the Constitution, the Republic of Croatia shall, as a Member State of the European Union, participate in the creation of European unity in order to ensure, together with other European states, lasting peace, liberty, security and prosperity, and to attain other common objectives in keeping with the founding principles and values of the European Union.
    Pursuant to Articles 139 and 140 of the Constitution, the Republic of Croatia shall confer upon the institutions of the European Union the powers necessary for the enjoyment of rights and fulfilment of obligations ensuing from membership. (Art. 141a)
  • Croatian
    Republika Hrvatska, na temelju članka 141. Ustava, kao država članica Europske unije, sudjeluje u stvaranju europskog zajedništva, kako bi zajedno s drugim europskim državama osigurala trajni mir, slobodu, sigurnost i blagostanje te ostvarila druge zajedničke ciljeve, u skladu s temeljnim načelima i vrijednostima na kojima se Europska unija zasniva.
    Republika Hrvatska, na temelju članka 139. i 140. Ustava, institucijama Europske unije povjerava ovlasti koje su potrebne za ostvarivanje prava i ispunjavanje obveza preuzetih na temelju članstva. (Članak 141.a)
Status of International Law
  • English
    The exercise of the rights ensuing from the European Union acquis communautaire shall be made equal to the exercise of rights under the Croatian legal order.
    All the legal acts and decisions accepted by the Republic of Croatia in European Union institutions shall be applied in the Republic of Croatia in accordance with the European Union acquis communautaire.
    Croatian courts shall protect individual rights based on the European Union acquis communautaire.
    State bodies, bodies of local and regional self-government and legal persons vested with public authority shall apply European Union law directly. (Art. 141c)
  • Croatian
    Ostvarivanje prava koja proizlaze iz pravne stečevine Europske unije, izjednačeno je s ostvarivanjem prava koja su zajamčena hrvatskim pravnim poretkom.
    Pravni akti i odluke koje je Republika Hrvatska prihvatila u institucijama Europske unije primjenjuju se u Republici Hrvatskoj u skladu s pravnom stečevinom Europske unije.
    Hrvatski sudovi štite subjektivna prava utemeljena na pravnoj stečevini Europske unije.
    Državna tijela, tijela jedinica lokalne i područne (regionalne) samouprave te pravne osobe s javnim ovlastima izravno primjenjuju pravo Europske unije. (Članak 141.c)
Status of International Law
  • English
    Citizens of the Republic of Croatia shall be European Union citizens and shall enjoy the rights guaranteed by the European Union acquis communautaire,

    All rights shall be exercised in compliance with the conditions and limitations laid down in the founding treaties of the European Union and the measures undertaken pursuant to such treaties.
    … (Art. 141d)
  • Croatian
    Državljani Republike Hrvatske su građani Europske unije i uživaju prava koja im jamči pravna stečevina Europske unije,

    Sva prava ostvaruju se u skladu s uvjetima i ograničenjima propisanima ugovorima na kojima se temelji Europska unija te mjerama prihvaćenima na temelju tih ugovora.
    … (Članak 141.d)
Religious Law
  • English
    All religious communities shall be equal before the law and separate from the state.
    … (Art. 41)
  • Croatian
    Sve vjerske zajednice jednake su pred zakonom i odvojene od države.
    … (Članak 41)
Links to all sites last visited 8 February 2024