Constitution of the Republic of Croatia 1990, as amended to 2014
Political Parties
  • English
    The right to establish political parties shall be unrestricted.
    The internal structure of political parties shall comply with fundamental constitutional democratic principles.
    Political parties shall publicly disclose the sources of their finances and assets.
    Political parties which, in their platforms or by violent action, intend to undermine the free democratic order or threaten the existence of the Republic of Croatia shall be deemed unconstitutional. The Constitutional Court of the Republic of Croatia shall decide on such unconstitutionality.
    The status and financing of political parties shall be regulated by law. (Art. 6)
  • Croatian
    Osnivanje političkih stranaka je slobodno.
    Unutarnje ustrojstvo političkih stranaka mora biti sukladno temeljnim ustavnim demokratskim načelima.
    Stranke moraju javno polagati račun o porijeklu svojih sredstava i imovine.
    Protuustavne su političke stranke koje svojim programom ili nasilnim djelovanjem smjeraju podrivanju slobodnoga demokratskog poretka ili ugrožavaju opstojnost Republike Hrvatske. O protuustavnosti odlučuje Ustavni sud Republike Hrvatske.
    Zakonom se uređuje položaj i financiranje političkih stranaka. (Članak 6)
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