Constitution of the Republic of Croatia 1990, as amended to 2014
Public Institutions and Services
  • English
    The state shall ensure the right to assistance for weak, infirm or other persons unable to meet their basic subsistence needs as a result of their unemployment or incapacity for work.
    The state shall devote special care to the protection of persons with disabilities and their inclusion in social life.
    The state shall devote special care to the protection of Croatian war veterans and disabled Croatian war veterans, as well as the widows, parents and children of fallen Croatian war veterans.
    … (Art. 57)
  • Croatian
    Slabim, nemoćnima i drugim, zbog nezaposlenosti ili nesposobnosti za rad, nezbrinutim osobama država osigurava pravo na pomoć za podmirenje osnovnih životnih potreba.
    Posebnu skrb država posvećuje zaštiti osoba s invaliditetom i njihovu uključivanju u društveni život.
    Posebnu skrb država posvećuje zaštiti hrvatskih branitelja, hrvatskih ratnih vojnih invalida, udovica, roditelja i djece poginulih hrvatskih branitelja.
    … (Članak 57)
Public Institutions and Services
  • English
    The family shall enjoy special protection of the state.
    … (Art. 61)
  • Croatian
    Obitelj je pod osobitom zaštitom države.
    … (Članak 61)
Public Institutions and Services
  • English
    The state shall protect maternity, children and young people, and shall create social, cultural, educational, material and other conditions promoting the exercise of the right to a decent life. (Art. 62)
  • Croatian
    Država štiti materinstvo, djecu i mladež te stvara socijalne, kulturne, odgojne, materijalne i druge uvjete kojima se promice ostvarivanje prava na dostojan život. (Članak 62)
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