Constitutional Act of Denmark 1953, as amended to 2009
Public Institutions and Services
  • English

    (2) Any person unable to support himself or his family shall, when no other person is responsible for his or their maintenance, be entitled to receive public assistance, provided that he shall comply with the obligations imposed by statute in such respect. (Sec. 75)
  • Danish

    Stk. 2. Den, der ikke selv kan ernære sig eller sine, og hvis forsørgelse ikke påhviler nogen anden, er berettiget til hjælp af det offentlige, dog mod at underkaste sig de forpligtelser, som loven herom påbyder. (§ 75)

Constitutional Act of Denmark 1953 (English); Act of Succession 1953, as amended to 2009 (English). According to Sec. 2 of the Constitutional Act: "… Royal authority shall be inherited by men and women in accordance with the provisions of the Act of Succession to the Throne of March 27th 1953."

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