Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania 1992, as amended to 2022
Marriage and Family Life
  • English

    The law and court shall protect everyone from arbitrary or unlawful interference with his private and family life, as well as from encroachment upon his honour and dignity. (Art. 22)
  • Lithuanian

    Įstatymas ir teismas saugo, kad niekas nepatirtų savavališko ar neteisėto kišimosi į jo asmeninį ir šeimyninį gyvenimą, kėsinimosi į jo garbę ir orumą. (22 straipsnis)
Marriage and Family Life
  • English
    The family shall be the basis of society and the State.
    Family, motherhood, fatherhood, and childhood shall be under the protection and care of the State.
    Marriage shall be concluded upon the free mutual consent of man and woman.
    The State shall register marriages, births, and deaths. The State shall also recognise church registration of marriages.
    In the family, the rights of spouses shall be equal.
    The right and duty of parents shall be to bring up their children to be honest people and faithful citizens, and to support them until they reach the age of majority.
    The duty of children shall be to respect their parents, to take care of them in their old age, and to preserve their heritage. (Art. 38)
  • Lithuanian
    Šeima yra visuomenės ir valstybės pagrindas.
    Valstybė saugo ir globoja šeimą, motinystę, tėvystę ir vaikystę.
    Santuoka sudaroma laisvu vyro ir moters sutarimu.
    Valstybė registruoja santuoką, gimimą ir mirtį. Valstybė pripažįsta ir bažnytinę santuokos registraciją.
    Sutuoktinių teisės šeimoje lygios.
    Tėvų teisė ir pareiga - auklėti savo vaikus dorais žmonėmis ir ištikimais piliečiais, iki pilnametystės juos išlaikyti.
    Vaikų pareiga - gerbti tėvus, globoti juos senatvėje ir tausoti jų palikimą. (38 straipsnis)
Marriage and Family Life
  • English
    The State shall take care of families raising and bringing up children at home, and shall render them support according to the procedure established by law.
    The law shall make a provision for working mothers to be granted paid leave before and after childbirth, as well as favourable working conditions and other concessions.
    … (Art. 39)
  • Lithuanian
    Valstybė globoja šeimas, auginančias ir auklėjančias vaikus namuose, įstatymo nustatyta tvarka teikia joms paramą.
    Dirbančioms motinoms įstatymas numato mokamas atostogas iki gimdymo ir po jo, palankias darbo sąlygas ir kitas lengvatas.
    ... (39 straipsnis)
Links to all sites last visited 3 November 2023

Refer to Art. 105: "The Constitutional Court shall consider and adopt decisions on whether the laws of the Republic of Lithuania or other acts adopted by the Seimas are in conflict with the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania. The Constitutional Court shall also consider whether the following are in conflict with the Constitution and laws: 1) the acts of the President of the Republic; 2) the acts of the Government of the Republic. ..."


According to Art. 150: “The constituent part of the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania shall be: … The Constitutional Act “On Membership of the Republic of Lithuania in the European Union” of 13 July 2004.”