Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania 1992, as amended to 2022
Status of the Constitution
  • English
    In Lithuania, state power shall be executed by the Seimas, the President of the Republic and the Government, and the Judiciary.
    The scope of power shall be limited by the Constitution.
    … (Art. 5)
  • Lithuanian
    Valstybės valdžią Lietuvoje vykdo Seimas, Respublikos Prezidentas ir Vyriausybė, Teismas.
    Valdžios galias riboja Konstitucija.
    ... (5 straipsnis)
Status of the Constitution
  • English
    The Constitution shall be an integral and directly applicable act.
    Everyone may defend his rights by invoking the Constitution. (Art. 6)
  • Lithuanian
    Konstitucija yra vientisas ir tiesiogiai taikomas aktas.
    Kiekvienas savo teises gali ginti remdamasis Konstitucija. (6 straipsnis)
Status of the Constitution
  • English
    Any law or other act that contradicts the Constitution shall be invalid.
    ... (Art. 7)
  • Lithuanian
    Negalioja joks įstatymas ar kitas aktas priešingas Konstitucijai.
    ... (7 straipsnis)
Status of the Constitution
  • English
    While implementing his rights and exercising his freedoms, everyone must observe the Constitution and the laws of the Republic of Lithuania and must not restrict the rights and freedoms of other people. (Art. 28)
  • Lithuanian
    Įgyvendindamas savo teises ir naudodamasis savo laisvėmis, žmogus privalo laikytis Lietuvos Respublikos Konstitucijos ir įstatymų, nevaržyti kitų žmonių teisių ir laisvių. (28 straipsnis)
Status of the Constitution
  • English

    Churches and religious organisations shall conduct their affairs freely according to their canons and statutes.
    The status of churches and other religious organisations in the State shall be established by agreement or by law.
    The teaching proclaimed by churches and religious organisations, other religious activities, and houses of prayer may not be used for purposes that are in conflict with the Constitution and laws.
    There shall be no state religion in Lithuania. (Art. 43)
  • Lithuanian

    Bažnyčios bei religinės organizacijos laisvai tvarkosi pagal savus kanonus ir statutus.
    Bažnyčių bei kitų religinių organizacijų būklė valstybėje nustatoma susitarimu arba įstatymu.
    Bažnyčių bei religinių organizacijų mokslo skelbimas, kita tikybinė veikla, taip pat maldos namai negali būti naudojami tam, kas prieštarauja Konstitucijai ir įstatymams.
    Lietuvoje nėra valstybinės religijos. (43 straipsnis)
Status of the Constitution
  • English
    Judges may not apply any laws that are in conflict with the Constitution.
    … (Art. 110)
  • Lithuanian
    Teisėjas negali taikyti įstatymo, kuris prieštarauja Konstitucijai.
    ... (110 straipsnis)
Links to all sites last visited 3 November 2023

Refer to Art. 105: "The Constitutional Court shall consider and adopt decisions on whether the laws of the Republic of Lithuania or other acts adopted by the Seimas are in conflict with the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania. The Constitutional Court shall also consider whether the following are in conflict with the Constitution and laws: 1) the acts of the President of the Republic; 2) the acts of the Government of the Republic. ..."


According to Art. 150: “The constituent part of the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania shall be: … The Constitutional Act “On Membership of the Republic of Lithuania in the European Union” of 13 July 2004.”