Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania 1992, as amended to 2022
  • English
    The Seimas shall consist of representatives of the Nation—141 Members of the Seimas, who shall be elected for a four-year term on the basis of universal, equal, and direct suffrage by secret ballot.
    The Seimas shall be deemed elected when not less than 3/5 of the Members of the Seimas are elected.
    The procedure for the election of the Members of the Seimas shall be established by law. (Art. 55)
  • Lithuanian
    Seimą sudaro Tautos atstovai - 141 Seimo narys, kurie renkami ketveriems metams remiantis visuotine, lygia, tiesiogine rinkimų teise ir slaptu balsavimu.
    Seimas laikomas išrinktu, kai yra išrinkta ne mažiau kaip 3/5 Seimo narių.
    Seimo narių rinkimų tvarką nustato įstatymas. (55 straipsnis)
  • English

    Any citizen of the Republic of Lithuania who is not bound by an oath or a pledge to a foreign state, and who, on the election day, is not younger than 21 years of age and permanently resides in Lithuania, may stand for election as a Member of the Seimas.
    ... (Art. 56)

  • Lithuanian

    Seimo nariu gali būti renkamas Lietuvos Respublikos pilietis, kuris nesusijęs priesaika ar pasižadėjimu užsienio valstybei ir rinkimų dieną yra ne jaunesnis kaip 21 metų bei nuolat gyvena Lietuvoje.
    ... (56 straipsnis)

Links to all sites last visited 3 November 2023

Refer to Art. 105: "The Constitutional Court shall consider and adopt decisions on whether the laws of the Republic of Lithuania or other acts adopted by the Seimas are in conflict with the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania. The Constitutional Court shall also consider whether the following are in conflict with the Constitution and laws: 1) the acts of the President of the Republic; 2) the acts of the Government of the Republic. ..."


According to Art. 150: “The constituent part of the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania shall be: … The Constitutional Act “On Membership of the Republic of Lithuania in the European Union” of 13 July 2004.”