Constitution of Malta 1964, as amended to 2022
  • English
    (1) There shall be a Cabinet for Malta which shall consist of the Prime Minister and such number of other Ministers as may be appointed in accordance with article 80 of this Constitution.
    (2) The Cabinet shall have the general direction and control of the Government of Malta and shall be collectively responsible therefor to Parliament. (Art. 79)
  • Maltese
    (1) Għandu jkun hemm Kabinett għal Malta li jkun magħmul mill-Prim Ministru u dak in-numru ta’ Ministri oħra li jistgħu jiġu maħtura skont l-artikolu 80 ta’ din il-Kostituzzjoni.
    (2) Il-Kabinett ikollu d-direzzjoni ġenerali u l-kontroll tal-Gvern ta' Malta u jkun responsabbli kollettivament dwar hekk lejn il-Parlament. (Art. 79)
  • English
    Wherever there shall be occasion for the appointment of a Prime Minister, the President shall appoint as Prime Minister the member of the House of Representatives who, in his judgment, is best able to command the support of a majority of the members of that House and shall, acting in accordance with the advice of the Prime Minister, appoint the other Ministers from among the members of the House of Representatives:
    … (Art. 80)
  • Maltese
    Kull meta jkun hemm lok għall-ħatra ta’ Prim Ministru, il-President għandu jaħtar bħala Prim Ministru l-membru tal-Kamra tad-Deputati li, fil-ġudizzju tiegħu, ikun l-aħjar li jkun jista’ jgawdi l-appoġġ tal-maġġoranza tal-membri tal-Kamra u għandu, waqt li jaġixxi skont il-parir tal-Prim Ministru, jaħtar lill-Ministri l-oħra minn fost il-membri tal-Kamra tad-Deputati:
    … (Art. 80)

Constitution of Malta 1964, as amended to 2022 (English). According to Art. 5(1): "The National language of Malta is the Maltese language.”

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Chapter IV on Fundamental Rights and Freedoms of the Individual