Constitution of the Republic of Moldova 1994, as amended to 2023
Citizenship and Nationality
  • English

    (1) The citizenship of the Republic of Moldova shall be acquired, maintained or withdrawn under the conditions provided for by the organic law.
    (2) No one may be arbitrarily deprived of his/her citizenship or of the right to change the citizenship. (Art. 17)

  • Moldovian

    (1) Cetăţenia Republicii Moldova se dobîndeşte, se păstrează ori se pierde în condiţiile prevăzute de legea organică.
    (2) Nimeni nu poate fi lipsit în mod arbitrar de cetăţenia sa şi nici de dreptul de a-şi schimba cetăţenia. (Art. 17)


Constitution of the Republic of Moldova 1994, as amended to 2023 (English). According to Art. 13(1): “The State language of the Republic of Moldova is the Romanian language.”

Links to all sites last visited 23 January 2024

This is in reference to revisions to the Constitution.


Articles 20 to 24 relate to access to justice, the presumption of innocence, the non-retroactivity of the law, the right of every person to be acknowledged on his/her rights and the right to life and physical and mental integrity.


This is in reference to revisions to the Constitution.