Constitution of the Republic of Moldova 1994, as amended to 2023
Marriage and Family Life
  • English

    The State shall respect and protect the private and family life. (Art. 28)

  • Moldovian

    Statul respectă şi ocroteşte viaţa intimă, familială şi privată. (Art. 28)

Marriage and Family Life
  • English

    (9) The parents have prior right to choose the appropriate field of education for their children. (Art. 35)

  • Moldovian

    (9) Dreptul prioritar de a alege sfera de instruire a copiilor revine părinţilor. (Art. 35)

Marriage and Family Life
  • English

    (1) The family shall constitute the natural and fundamental element of the society and shall enjoy protection from the State and the society.
    (2) The family shall be founded on a freely consented marriage between man and woman, on their equality of rights and on the right and obligation of parents to ensure upbringing and education of their children.
    (3) The conditions to conclude, terminate or void a marriage are laid down by the law.
    (4) Children have a duty to take care of their parents and to offer necessary help. (Art. 48)

  • Moldovian

    (1) Familia constituie elementul natural şi fundamental al societăţii şi are dreptul la ocrotire din partea societăţii şi a statului.
    (2) Familia se întemeiază pe căsătoria liber consimţită între bărbat şi femeie, pe egalitatea lor în drepturi şi pe dreptul şi îndatorirea părinţilor de a asigura creşterea, educaţia şi instruirea copiilor.
    (3) Condiţiile de încheiere, de desfacere şi de nulitate a căsătoriei se stabilesc prin lege.
    (4) Copiii sînt obligaţi să aibă grijă de părinţi şi să le acorde ajutor. (Art. 48)

Marriage and Family Life
  • English

    (1) The State shall facilitate, by economic and other such actions, formation of families and fulfilment of their assigned duties.
    (2) The State shall protect motherhood, children and young people, by fostering the development of the required institutions.
    … (Art. 49)

  • Moldovian

    (1) Statul facilitează, prin măsuri economice şi prin alte măsuri, formarea familiei şi îndeplinirea obligaţiilor ce îi revin.
    (2) Statul ocroteşte maternitatea, copiii şi tinerii, stimulînd dezvoltarea instituţiilor necesare.
    … (Art. 49)

Marriage and Family Life
  • English

    (1) The mother and the child shall enjoy special assistance and protection. All the children, including those born out of wedlock, shall enjoy the same social protection.
    … (Art. 50)

  • Moldovian

    (1) Mama şi copilul au dreptul la ajutor şi ocrotire specială. Toţi copiii, inclusiv cei născuţi în afara căsătoriei, se bucură de aceeaşi ocrotire socială.
    … (Art. 50)


Constitution of the Republic of Moldova 1994, as amended to 2023 (English). According to Art. 13(1): “The State language of the Republic of Moldova is the Romanian language.”

Links to all sites last visited 23 January 2024

This is in reference to revisions to the Constitution.


Articles 20 to 24 relate to access to justice, the presumption of innocence, the non-retroactivity of the law, the right of every person to be acknowledged on his/her rights and the right to life and physical and mental integrity.


This is in reference to revisions to the Constitution.