Constitution of the Republic of Moldova 1994, as amended to 2023
Obligations of the State
  • English

    CONSIDERING rule of law, civic peace, democracy, human dignity, fundamental human rights and freedoms,
    … (Preamble)

  • Moldovian

    CONSIDERÎND statul de drept, pacea civică, democraţia, demnitatea omului, drepturile şi libertăţile lui,
    … (Preamble)

Obligations of the State
  • English

    (3) Governed by the rule of law, the Republic of Moldova is a democratic State in which the dignity of people, their rights and freedoms, the free development of human personality, justice and political pluralism represent supreme values that shall be guaranteed. (Art. 1)

  • Moldovian

    (3) Republica Moldova este un stat de drept, democratic, în care demnitatea omului, drepturile şi libertăţile lui, libera dezvoltare a personalităţii umane, dreptatea şi pluralismul politic reprezintă valori supreme şi sînt garantate. (Art. 1)

Obligations of the State
  • English

    All citizens of the Republic of Moldova shall enjoy the rights and freedoms granted by the Constitution and other laws and are assigned the duties provided for thereby. (Art. 15)

  • Moldovian

    Cetăţenii Republicii Moldova beneficiază de drepturile şi de libertăţile consacrate prin Constituţie şi prin alte legi şi au obligaţiile prevăzute de acestea. (Art. 15)

Obligations of the State
  • English

    (2) The State shall ensure the right of every individual to be aware of his/her rights and duties. For this purpose the State shall publish and make accessible all the laws and other normative acts. (Art. 23)

  • Moldovian

    (2) Statul asigură dreptul fiecărui om de a-şi cunoaşte drepturile şi îndatoririle. În acest scop statul publică şi face accesibile toate legile şi alte acte normative. (Art. 23)

Obligations of the State
  • English

    (2) No revision3 shall be performed, if it implies the infringement of fundamental rights and freedoms of citizens or their guarantees.
    … (Art. 142)

  • Moldovian

    (2) Nici o revizuire nu poate fi făcută, dacă are ca rezultat suprimarea drepturilor şi libertăţilor fundamentale ale cetăţenilor sau a garanţiilor acestora.
    … (Art. 142)


Constitution of the Republic of Moldova 1994, as amended to 2023 (English). According to Art. 13(1): “The State language of the Republic of Moldova is the Romanian language.”

Links to all sites last visited 23 January 2024

This is in reference to revisions to the Constitution.


Articles 20 to 24 relate to access to justice, the presumption of innocence, the non-retroactivity of the law, the right of every person to be acknowledged on his/her rights and the right to life and physical and mental integrity.


This is in reference to revisions to the Constitution.