Constitution of the Principality of Monaco 1962, as amended to 2002
Citizenship and Nationality
  • English
    The circumstances in which Monegasque nationality may be acquired are laid down by law. The circumstances in which a person who has acquired Monegasque nationality by naturalization may be deprived of it are laid down in the law.
    Loss of Monegasque nationality in any other circumstance may occur only, as prescribed by law, further to the intentional acquisition of another nationality or of service unlawfully carried out in a foreign army. (Art. 18)
  • French
    La loi règle les modes d'acquisition de la nationalité. La loi règle les conditions dans lesquelles la nationalité acquise par naturalisation peut-être retirée.
    La perte de la nationalité monégasque dans tous les autres cas ne peut être prévue par la loi qu'en raison de l'acquisition volontaire d'une autre nationalité ou du service illégitimement accompli dans une armée étrangère. (Art 18)
Links to all sites last visited 22 February 2024
Chapter III on Fundamental Freedoms and Rights.
Chapter III on Fundamental Freedoms and Rights.