Constitution of the Republic of Montenegro 2007, as amended to 2013
National Human Rights Bodies
  • English
    The protector of human rights and liberties of Montenegro shall be independent and autonomous authority that takes measures to protect human rights and liberties.
    The protector of human rights and liberties shall exercise duties on the basis of the Constitution, the law and the confirmed international agreements, observing also the principles of justice and fairness.
    … (Art. 81)
  • Montenegrin
    Zaštitnik ljudskih prava i sloboda Crne Gore je samostalan i nezavisan organ koji preduzima mjere za zaštitu ljudskih prava i sloboda.
    Zaštitnik ljudskih prava i sloboda vrši funkciju na osnovu Ustava, zakona i potvrđenih međunarodnih ugovora, pridržavajući se i načela pravde i pravičnosti.
    ... (Član 81)
National Human Rights Bodies
  • English

    The Parliament shall:
    14. appoint and release from duty: the Protector of Human Rights and Liberties;
    ... (Art. 82)

  • Montenegrin

    14) imenuje i razrješava: zaštitnika ljudskih prava i sloboda; 
    ... (Član 82)

Links to all sites last visited 22 February 2024

This is in reference to legislative, executive and judicial power.