Constitution of the Republic of North Macedonia 1991, as amended to 2019
  • English
    Executive power is vested in the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia. The Government exercises its rights and competence on the basis and within the framework of the Constitution and law. (Art. 88)
  • Macedonian
    Владата на Република Северна Македонија е носител на извршната власт. Своите права и должности Владата ги врши врз основа и во рамките на Уставот и законите. (Член 88)
  • English
    The Government is composed of a prime Minister and Ministers.
    … (Art. 89)
  • Macedonian
    Владата ја сочинуваат претседател и министри.
    … (Член 89)
  • English
    The President of the Republic of North Macedonia is obliged, within 10 days of the constitution of the Assembly, to entrust the mandate for constituting the Government to a candidate from the party or parties which has/have a majority in the Assembly. Within 20 days from the day of being entrusted with the mandate, the mandator submits a programme to the Assembly and proposes the composition of the Government. The Government is elected by the Assembly on the proposal of the mandator and on the basis of the programme by a majority vote of the total number of Representatives. (Art. 90)
  • Macedonian
    Претседателот на Република Северна Македонија е должен во рок од десет дена од конституирањето на Собранието мандатот за состав на Владата да го довери на кандидат на партијата, односно партиите што имаат мнозинство во Собранието. Мандаторот во рок од 20 дена од денот на доверувањето на мандатот, на Собранието му поднесува програма и го предлага составот на Владата. Владата, на предлог на мандаторот и врз основа на програмата, ја избира Собранието со мнозинство гласови од вкупниот број пратеници. (Член 90)

Constitution of the Republic of North Macedonia 1991, as amended to 2019 (English), available in HeinOnline World Constitutions Illustrated Library (2019). According to Art. 7 (as replaced by Amendment V): “The Macedonian language, written using its Cyrillic alphabet, is the official language throughout the Republic of North Macedonia and in the international relations of the Republic of North Macedonia.” The country's name has been changed from “Macedonia” to “North Macedonia” in accordance with Amendment XXXIII.


Constitution of the Republic of North Macedonia 1991, as amended to 2019 (Macedonian), available in HeinOnline World Constitutions Illustrated Library (2019).

Links to all sites last visited 31 March 2021
Art. 4 as amended by Amendment XXXII and XXXIII.
Preamble as amended by Amendment IV and XXXIV.
Preamble as amended by Amendment IV and XXXIV.
Art. 77 as amended by Amendment XI.
Art. 48 as amended by Amendment VIII.
Art. 78 as amended by Amendment XII.
Art. 8 as amended by Amendment VI.
Art. 98 as amended by Amendment XXV.
Art. 106 as amended by Amendment XXX.
Art. 19 as amended by Amendment VII.