Constitution of the Kingdom of Norway 1814, as amended to 2023
Status of International Law
  • English

    Treaties on matters of special importance, and, in all cases, treaties whose implementation, according to the Constitution, necessitates a new law or a decision by the Storting, are not binding until the Storting has given its consent thereto. (Art. 26)
  • Norwegian

    Traktater om saker som er av særlig stor viktighet, og i alle tilfeller traktater hvis iverksettelse etter Grunnloven nødvendiggjør en ny lov eller stortingsbeslutning, blir først bindende når Stortinget har gitt sitt samtykke dertil. (§ 26)
Status of International Law
  • English
    The authorities of the State shall respect and ensure human rights as they are expressed in this Constitution and in the treaties concerning human rights that are binding for Norway. (Art. 92)
  • Norwegian
    Statens myndigheter skal respektere og sikre menneskerettighetene slik de er nedfelt i denne grunnlov og i for Norge bindende traktater om menneskerettigheter. (§ 92)
Links to all sites last visited 10 January 2024
This meeting is in reference to the meeting of the Council of State.