Constitution of the Republic of San Marino 1974, as amended to 2019
Obligations of the State
  • English
    The Great and General Council, … has adopted this declaration on the citizens’ rights and principles, upon which the organisation and exercise of the constitutional powers shall be based. (Preamble)
  • Italian
    Il Consiglio Grande e Generale, … adotta la presente dichiarazione dei diritti dei cittadini e dei principi ai quali s'informa l'organizzazione e l'azione dei poteri costituzionali. (Preambolo)
Obligations of the State
  • English

    The Republic of San Marino receives generally recognised rules of international law as integral part of its constitutional order, to which it shall conform its acts and conduct. It recognises the provisions set forth in the international declarations on human rights and fundamental freedoms.
    … It rejects war as a means to settle disputes between States and, in its international policy, adheres to the principles enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations.
    San Marino constitutional order recognises, guarantees and enforces the rights and fundamental freedoms set forth by the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.
    Regularly signed and implemented international agreements on the protection of human rights and freedoms shall prevail over domestic legislation in case of conflict. (Art. 1)

  • Italian

    La Repubblica di San Marino riconosce, come parte integrante del proprio ordinamento, le norme di diritto internazionale generalmente riconosciute e conforma ad esse i suoi atti e la condotta. Si uniforma alle norme contenute nelle dichiarazioni internazionali in tema di diritti dell’uomo e delle libertà fondamentali.
    … Rifiuta la guerra come strumento di risoluzione delle controversie fra Stati e si conforma, nell’azione internazionale, ai principi sanciti dallo Statuto delle Nazioni Unite.
    L'ordinamento sammarinese riconosce, garantisce ed attua i diritti e le libertà fondamentali enunciate nella Convenzione Europea per la salvaguardia dei diritti dell'uomo e delle libertà fondamentali. (Art. 1)

Obligations of the State
  • English
    Human rights shall be inviolable. (Art. 5)
  • Italian
    I diritti della persona umana sono inviolabili. (Art. 5)
Obligations of the State
  • English
    … No restrictions shall be placed on the exercise of these rights other than such as are prescribed by law and are necessary for the protection of public order and general welfare.
    … (Art. 6)
  • Italian
    … La legge potrà limitare l'esercizio di tali diritti solo in casi eccezionali per gravi motivi di ordine e di interesse pubblico.
    … (Art. 6)

Declaration on The Citizens’ Rights and Fundamental Principles of San Marino Constitutional Order 1974, as amended to 2002. The English translation of the 2019 Amendment is not publicly available. It concerns Art. 4 and was translated in-house by UN Women. As the Declaration regulates the rights and duties of the citizens and the public administration in connection with electoral matters, it is considered to serve some of the functions of a Constitution.

Links to all sites last visited 28 February 2024

Art. 4 as amended by 2019 Amendment; In-house translation by UN Women, 2019.


Electoral Law 1996; In-house translation by UN Women, 2019


Electoral Law 1996; In-house translation by UN Women, 2019


Art. 4 as amended by 2019 Amendment; In-house translation by UN Women, 2019.