Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia 1991, as amended to 2021
Status of International Law
  • English
    Pursuant to a treaty ratified by the National Assembly by a two-thirds majority vote of all deputies, Slovenia may transfer the exercise of part of its sovereign rights to international organisations which are based on respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, democracy, and the principles of the rule of law and may enter into a defensive alliance with states which are based on respect for these values.

    Legal acts and decisions adopted within international organisations to which Slovenia has transferred the exercise of part of its sovereign rights shall be applied in Slovenia in accordance with the legal regulation of these organisations.
    … (Art. 3a)
  • Slovene
    Slovenija lahko z mednarodno pogodbo, ki jo ratificira državni zbor z dvotretjinsko večino glasov vseh poslancev, prenese izvrševanje dela suverenih pravic na mednarodne organizacije, ki temeljijo na spoštovanju človekovih pravic in temeljnih svoboščin, demokracije in načel pravne države, ter vstopi v obrambno zvezo z državami, ki temeljijo na spoštovanju teh vrednot.
    Pravni akti in odločitve, sprejeti v okviru mednarodnih organizacij, na katere Slovenija prenese izvrševanje dela suverenih pravic, se v Sloveniji uporabljajo v skladu s pravno ureditvijo teh organizacij.
    ... (3.a člen)
Status of International Law
  • English
    Laws and regulations must comply with generally accepted principles of international law and with treaties that are binding on Slovenia. Ratified and published treaties shall be applied directly. (Art. 8)
  • Slovene
    Zakoni in drugi predpisi morajo biti v skladu s splošno veljavnimi načeli mednarodnega prava in z mednarodnimi pogodbami, ki obvezujejo Slovenijo. Ratificirane in objavljene mednarodne pogodbe se uporabljajo neposredno. (8. Člen)
Status of International Law
  • English

    Laws must be in conformity with generally accepted principles of international law and with valid treaties ratified by the National Assembly, whereas regulations and other general acts must also be in conformity with other ratified treaties.
    … (Art. 153)

  • Slovene

    Zakoni morajo biti v skladu s splošno veljavnimi načeli mednarodnega prava in z veljavnimi mednarodnimi pogodbami, ki jih je ratificiral državni zbor, podzakonski predpisi in drugi splošni akti pa tudi z drugimi ratificiranimi mednarodnimi pogodbami.
    … (153. Člen)

Status of International Law
  • English
    The Constitutional Court decides:

    • on the conformity of laws and other regulations with ratified treaties and with the general principles of international law;
    … (Art. 160)
  • Slovene
    Ustavno sodišče odloča:

    - o skladnosti zakonov in drugih predpisov z ratificiranimi mednarodnimi pogodbami in s splošnimi načeli mednarodnega prava;
    … (160. Člen)
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